I love Reconcilable Differences! Probably my favourite podcast at the moment. I’m currently working my way through all the old episodes. ATP is very good too, but I think it’s too focused on current events to go through all previous episodes
I love Reconcilable Differences! Probably my favourite podcast at the moment. I’m currently working my way through all the old episodes. ATP is very good too, but I think it’s too focused on current events to go through all previous episodes
For most people, a different desktop environment probably makes a bigger difference than a different distro. They won’t notice things like a different package manager
Yep, turns out it doesn’t insert its own iptables rules like docker does, so the special rules from ufw-docker weren’t necessary anymore.
At least podman does not circumvent my firewall (ufw) like docker did. Had to use a workaround to get it to work with docker.
No problem! I also see Restic a lot in this thread, so I’ll probably try both at some point
The USB naming strategy
The Unmade Podcast (https://unmade.fm/) is probably my GOAT. Brady Haran (from Numberphile, Computerphile, etc.) and his Childhood friend, Tim Hein, come up with wacky ideas for podcasts that they won’t actually make. Definitely the funniest podcast I’ve ever heard.
Hello Internet, also from Brady, with CGP Grey, is also amazing. Though sadly on hiatus.