When you’re right, you’re right.
When you’re right, you’re right.
What about climate change? Murder rates going down is nice, but murders impact individuals. Climate change impacts civilizations.
What about our inaction on climate change? We’ve made very small advances and it threatens the fundamental existence of organized human society within a single human lifespan of right now. Everything else is rather insignificant by comparison. Rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic
Absolutely. Many of our arctic islands are desirable and valuable to Russia for annexation and Ukraine has made it perfectly clear they’re shameless in their conquests. I know America’s sphere of influence makes it far less likely they’d snatch land across the arctic versus in Ukraine, but if it’s uninhabited and remote, the American public’s exhaustion on supporting Ukraine may lead them to quietly abandon the area with little fuss…
I hover briefly in the air, next to my bed, and hold up a sign that says “uh oh” before I fall a couple feet to the ground onto carpet. I might hit my head on the nightstand, but I feel like I got off easy compared to most other people.
If I had to guess the answer would be time and land usage. A single humidity and temperature controlled facility could likely produce huge amounts of densely packed mycelial wood substitute compared to a huge forestry area that takes many years.
This is exactly how I feel. I wiped my primary account but not my porn alt, and I’m sad about it
Why didn’t they call it “Terraforming Mores”??
Return to office mandate
I think it’s more like
Healthy, Fast, Cheap, Delicious
Pick 2
At least she can’t hurt anyone anymore with her votes
This is a gorgeous picture of Nebula! And what an amazing name.
Looks delicious! Great job. I love a thick stew for sure.
Blueberry curd? My god, why haven’t I thought of this. I’m going to have to