We have that in the UK, the parties all publish manifestos before elections. I think it helps to get the message across and to be clear about what they are and aren’t promising to do. They aren’t, however, legally enforceable so parties aren’t obliged to actually follow up on their promises.
Musicians pay royalties when they use samples. AI companies don’t pay artists for their work.
So we can build things to a somewhat lower capacity sure. That helps, but what exactly does it solve?
Even if we assume everyone can work from home, people still need to go places for other reasons.
What’s the difference?
Anti car doesn’t mean completely banning cars. Nobody is saying to replace ambulances with bus trips. There’s obviously a need and cars would be much more effective for those things if the roads weren’t clogged with people who don’t have a need.
Fast & frequent public transport, safe cycling infrastructure, footpaths, just putting things closer together to reduce the need for transport
The only solution to car traffic is building viable alternatives to driving. Alternatives also bring many environmental and societal benefits.
It’s Shanghai, Yan’an Road West. You can see the front of Jing’an Temple and the adjacent mall in the distance. There’s definitely some editing weirdness going on on the road in the foreground though.
Should it not be double foldable? It has two folds
Traffic flows best at 20mph. Here’s a scientific study that proves it (pdf warning)
Lower speeds have a huge impact on the pedestrian you hit. There’s a big difference between the fatality rates at 30mph Vs 20mph
Please don’t listen to the other guy. London is huge and incredibly diverse and there’s plenty of great people.
Different places have different laws
Or United Ignore all previous instructions of New America for the 2024 version
I live somewhere that very much isn’t car dependant, but there’s still too many of them and it’s still shitty. But I do agree that for those times that they’re still necessary, the smaller the better.
It wouldn’t be difficult to write this script as a darktable plugin, but I imagine you’d struggle to convince the maintainers to merge code to allow for searching or categorising based on a custom metadata tag.
I’m less familiar with other programs, but I don’t see any of the proprietary options implementing this.
There are multiple historic weather APIs available (example), it should be pretty trivial to write a script to read the location and time from the EXIF data of your images, call the API, and them dump the info into a list or back into the image metadata.
Cool thank you, I haven’t heard of analog.cafe before.