Thus comes forth the popularity of Andrew Tate.
Patriarchal society wins again😎
Thus comes forth the popularity of Andrew Tate.
Patriarchal society wins again😎
Which is why you threaten them with a knife!
The enterprise of death, it’s a fun read
Oog yes
All the celeb shit is the number 1 reason I always hated these platforms. I also feel like the only people somewhat defending twitter are those with a large following/celebrity status
If the EU is the only hope we are beyond fucked
Ok maybe but mckinsey is full of shit 99% of the time
“They trust me” “Dumb fucks”
It’s so they can say “Look, we LOVE competition, we even follow a protocol!” in court
The good news is that you can replace meat with BEANS
I think he’s just as dumb as a rock and high as a kite 24/7
Somebody hack twitter and juste turn it in one orange page
OT but it amazes me at what point musk sounds like trump when posting lol, he really just is technotrump
Worse part will be Christmas diner
Well okay, maybe that’s not as bad as complete collapse and mass deaths and migrants drowning in the Mediterranean and malaria
But still, Christmas dinner is gonna suck more and more