From the heart :salute:
From the heart :salute:
My and my buddies get excited when we run out, we use them for target practice. More if a rifle thing where you can get some distance, they are rather unpredictable depending on how you hit it and if gas is still present.
They want Trump to get the credit :/
Very easy to run yourself theses days as long as you have a decent GPU or Mac unified silicon. OpenWebUi will let you host your own ChatGPT that you can choose different models to run. Dolphin Mixtral is a pretty popular “unlocked” model.
I finally got my uConsole order after a year of waiting. Would be grate for this, but uses a cm pi. Supposed to be able to pop in the cm5 with a software update.
I think orders are moving faster especially if you don’t buy the cm through then.
I googled a screenshot of the launcher, so this could be from an older version. It looks like they have a link to buy merchandise, digital upgrades, advertising more games by the company that you have not bought yet. Also links to submit submit a but, let’s them hopefully have less QA personal. Community link to help the longevity of the game for longer term sales.
They do this and keep their top selling games exclusive to their platforms. Games like GTA have shown just how much money you can make off micro transactions. No company is going to just jump out of that market. They use their top games so they are more liley to get people to just have it installed. That way you install the launcher, put in your credit card, and you are only a click away from handing them some money.
There can be positive benefits though, auto updates, update news, community messaging or content.
But mostly so they can get the hardest part of selling done, a valid payment method input.
BTC is very trackable, ZCash and Monero are coins that strive for privacy. Watch ZCash spike as BTC gets cashed out just before BTC retraces down 40%. Has happened for the last 2 or 3 all time highs. That’s how they will mix their Ill gotten gains.
Not sure I like the word “just” though. Not as empowering as it could be.
Netter just deported a ton of people from Gaza, time to act like trunp de-escalated the war and Netty will call for a seize fire gets to take the land back while everyone is deported.
You can use proxmox to do most of this. Currently my set will only pass-through the gpu to one VM. I have heard of splitting the power among VMs but I have not gone down that rabbit hole. If I want to play with llms I fire up that server, if I want to game, I shut that down and fire up my windows 10 vm.
I have always had a conspiracy theory that the ink management requirements are set by national security input. All printers have a yellow dot pattern added to every print to identify the printer by a forensics team. I wonder if this is why the ink landscape is so shifty. They want to make sure those dots get printed. My thought on why you can’t print black and white when you are only missing colored ink.
When its cold the traps are more likely to dry out. Run some water through the faucets to refill them. Its basically standing water that fills the tube so gasses can not go in and out.
This is what a trap looks like. They are ment to have a small amount of water retained to fill the pipe.
Also running a couple of pichers of water down your basement drain can help if it is coming from there.
NewPipe is a YouTube app alternative that blocks ads
Reuters is literally owned by Russian gov.
Its about exploiting the people in organized Christianity faiths to get them to vote for their side.
There are already people living this lifestyle, unfortunately one only has the choice if you have lots of money.