All my video media that’s easier to replace than preserve is on my NAS running openmediavault with mergerfs. If I lose a drive I can always just, you know, torrent the tv show again.
My main PC (everything except the Steam game install directory) is backed up through KopiaUI to a folder on that mergerfs array that contains media that’s difficult/impossible to replace. Daily incremental backups.
That folder is mounted on my PC through DOKAN, which tells Windows OS that it’s a local resource (it does this more thoroughly than just assigning a drive letter to a NAS folder through Windows’ built-in system). The PC, including the “sensitive NAS media” folder, is then backed up to Backblaze’s personal backup service ($99/yr, unlimited size with one-year versioning). The DOKAN step is required for this, since Backblaze doesn’t support mounted NAS drives or non-Windows systems (presumably they don’t want to use space on versioned encrypted backups of hundred-terabyte pirate movie collections).
Oh, and my phone does one-way Syncthing to my PC, thus putting its files on the PC for Kopia and Backblaze to do their thing.
if the cops are feeling extra “fun”, it’s possession and distribution, since OP operated a server that served CSAM between users. Lawyer up before telling the police “i unknowingly distributed incredibly illegal material from a server I own, here it is”