Redditfugee. Missing Daystrom and Oney Plays. Let’s grow this up
Hell yeah, ONE OF ME! A fellow person of culture I see. I don’t know if you watch it, but GPS with Brandon Perna and Tom Grossi is like new/old Sportscenter for the NFL. They’re both buddies with Tree. Also, Brett Kollman is great for X’s and O’s type breakdowns, the man is a savant
Mike is such a big baby 😂. I lost it when Rich threatened to record his “public freakout”
Redlettermedia for sure, they may as well be YouTube dinosaurs at this point, but their content has only gotten better. If you’re in the Lemmy minority like me and enjoy the NFL: ThatsGoodSports, Tom Grossi, UrinatingTree are all gems worthy of your time
That is definitely an unpopular opinion, mad respect though
Good lookin out m8. I haven’t used it in about 15 years, but still
Ugh that H word right there. I had hyperhidrosis most of my life up until my late 20’s. I started using this painful stuff called Drysol which I think just worked by murdering my sweat glands
Had a brief look at r/WorldNews yesterday. Every comment was blatantly disgusting Islamaphobia that I couldn’t believe hadn’t been deleted yet. I don’t ever remember it being that bad over there
Yo you might’ve dropped this, King 👑. This post is the best way of putting into words my thoughts on the matter that I’m too smoothbrained to formulate into creation. Especially the last paragraph, the theft of “good Internet”. Fuckin A, m8
That’s gotta be the most pro-genocide comment section I’ve ever seen. I know it’s an Israeli publication, but goddamn there’s some disturbing shit there
Damn, Israel has an even shittier Spez than we do
Hasan called this yesterday. Of course he was right
I’ve been using CleanTube on my android. So far that’s been doing the trick for me
NotEvenEmily was in Spiderman 3?? Shit, might need to watch it now
Same. My very first thought upon seeing a picture of this ghoul was “of course he looks like that”
Awwww. He’s like Wilford Brimley in cat form
I’ve only gone back for a minute since College Football has resumed, but even then seeing all those ads in formerly clean Oldreddit made me feel gross. Comfortable content will happen here in time, I believe it to be true
Or steel straws. I’ve been using those for about 5 years now
I can’t remember the last time I read anything from Cracked, but that was a good/depressing read