Not all programs work, And in Linux you can forget the terminal with the stores that use flathub, much easier and safer than the shitty exe/MSI installers.
Not all programs work, And in Linux you can forget the terminal with the stores that use flathub, much easier and safer than the shitty exe/MSI installers.
Yes, by tuning I meant ECU remapping or installing aftermarket parts.
btw like anything to contest, legal action is only worthwhile if the profit at least covers the lawyer’s fees and the time lost, unfortunately.
Even in cars it’s the same thing, if you tune it they don’t know where to look since it’s no longer the same, On rooted android you can install things like Advanced Charging Controller to fuck your battery, and many software that manage performance/temperature.
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It will happen first in the USA, UK and Australia before all the EU countries approve such bullshit.
I fucking don’t, I use yay or whatever, I’m talking about you, if you really don’t want to see the terminal there is the app store that uses flathub in any pre-configured DE for linux