What’s stopping you?
What’s stopping you?
I think I heard Marvel stopping the sale of some Thor t-shirts, or something like that.
Allot of sexuality here. Almost nothing about politics.
You lack the ability to imagine future issues for yourself. Work on this. Cause when those rights are gone, they are not comming back. Pay attention, avoid future pain.
If you can’t feel empathy you might be a psychopath or narcisist. As far as I understand, that is a hard thing to live with. Tough luck.
If I had to guess, you might be apolitical.
Is varies from mildly unpleasant to a very unpleasant feeling in your throat. Sometimes it spreads to the chest, though i have never experienced that. Some day you too will feel this feeling. Try eating poorly and much for many days in a row.
Sounds nice!
Out of sight, out of mind. I don’t want cars where humans exist. No competition for space.
Cars belong underground.
Not sure I understand the reasoning for discontinuing. Google standing in the way? Not enough f-droid users benefiting from it? It didn’t see development cause it was already feature complete?
FOSS to the rescue!
Olives are pretty great. Like the green ones more than then darker ones.
The type of traffic shaping you are thinking off can still be done under net nutrailty and was never an issue.
Or how about this:
The body is a super complex chemical eco-system. Messing with it is understandably super difficult, if you do not want to cause damage. All drugs have side effects. Known or otherwise. Using drugs for any reason is like throwing a funnily shaped wrench in to a factory you do not fully understand. It always causes problems. In medical science we try to figure out what type of wrench causes the least destruction while providing some benefit. We then weigh the benefits against the downsides. Leave these decisions to someone that has dedicated their life to this science. Let them make educated guesses for you. Instead of you just guessing. Generally, don’t use any drug unless you have to. Stop as soon as is recommended by your doctor. Assume that any drug you use, will have a permanent, accumulative detrimental effect on the body. Just to be safe.
So prices will go up until you and me will get around with rickshaw. Whoever is poorer pulls the other. And while we bump forth; we wont have to worry about continued plastic pollution. Our rickshaw is made of metal and wood.
Feel like 24 hours is too little to do anything special with. Would have been a little more interesting question if the timespan would have been longer. A year?
Forest is pretty scary at night.
They are used to there being teams in everything. If you are not like me, you are with the enemy team.
How does that affect you instagram influencer browsing experience?
Questionable if the are fully aware what their role is. I’m sure they know their lot in life is to serve, but do they know they are suicide troops?
It is clear that putin wants to go out in a big bang. He does not care how that affects his fellow humans. He is a danger to everyone.
Iq means very little, other than being am idicator of how good you are at iq tests.
Probably doen’t apply to everyone, but i feel like intelligent people experience a lot of stress asociated with performing to surrounding expectations. They tend to be less stressed when hanging around people they don’t need to perform for.
In your case, ask him about it. He might feel perfectly content around you. You might even be a calming presence.
I’d say me and my partner are equals. But I imagine I would have no Issue If they were less intellectually inclined. Or more for that matter.