My first thought too.
If not, she’s looking quite like her.
Touhoppai founder, a touhou-oriented doujin group focusing on French adaptations.
My first thought too.
If not, she’s looking quite like her.
My wife yawned at all those yawning cats
If I’m not mistaken, did not always report properly from and there is a community with slightly more subscribers ( with 49.8k subs today)
where did my password leak!?
It was my understanding from years ago. If it changed in between, I stand corrected.
Actually, it seems like engagement is through any kind of interaction, commenting, upvoting, even downvoting, are used to boost a video visibility, because, as you say, their ultimate goal is maximizing money from ads.
OP is right to support creators via comments.
Note also that YouTube has automatic filters for comments, which will remain visible for its author only, but the creator can also shadowban someone from their channel.
Which viable alternative could work to mitigate ddos?
Out of my head, I think OVH offers such a service (but without free tier).
I tried with a debian testing and couldn’t get intune UI to communicate with intune backend, I think (thanks to the cryptic error messages)
I installed a fresh ubuntu 22 LTS, as per the doc, and could get past this point, only to encounter the conditional access restriction policy from my company.