• @[email protected]
    151 year ago

    And plenty of Americans (probably around 50% given recent election results) would rejoice over any innocent civilian we killed in “the war on terror” and would defend war criminals in the US military. Would that make it okay to starve and bomb the entire population of the US? Is everyone in this country a war criminal?

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Misinformation, stereotypes, and “Wuttabaut 'murica” galore! Truly hit the trifecta. Not really no, when war crimes have been brought up the general concensus has been jail. Don’t make shit up.

      Famous examples are that navy seal “Eddie Gallagher” or the 4 blackwater guys that killed 14 civilians in 2007. They were all convicted, but made the big headlines with a huge backlash after Trump pardoned them, the absolute fucking bafoon… If clips surfaced of american soldiers comitting these actions, people would be outraged. Remember Guantanamo bay? There was a huge public backlash and push towards closing it from all sides, and there’s strong support for arguing “the war” was lost because the public turned against it.

      Google “american soldier jailed afghanistan” and the list of links will just keep going page by page. You’ll never see any terrorist imprisoned in Palestine because of their involvement and participation in the 7th october. But yeah sure “WHAT ABOUT 'MURICANS?!?!?!”

      • @[email protected]
        121 year ago

        How do you prove my point way better than I could, but still act like you made a point against me?

        Like you say Trump pardoned them, and almost 50% of the country had no problem with that.

        You mention guantanamo, but it’s still open and nobody cares.

        And not to mention things like the Hague invasion act, where the US says it will literally invade Europe if the ICC tries to bring an American to court for war crimes. And most of the US doesn’t care, hell a lot fucking support that idea cuz 'murica.

        And anyway you completely fucking misread my comment. I’m not saying palestine is innocent because America did bad things. Its not whattaboutism its me saying “what if this was happening to you”? What I’d some chud decided that it was fair to punish the whole USA because shitty people in your country have a lot of support.

        That’s the point of the comment that you so conveniently ignored.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Mate, do you believe the people that voted for Trump supported them getting pardoned? Do you believe people went out on the streets to celebrate it? Have you heard ANYBODY call the pardons and their crimes good? Of course you haven’t. In Palestine, aswell as around the world by emigrated palestinians, the atrocities by hamas are celebrated and the terrorists that carried it out will never get put in court. They’re heroes in their eyes.

          I gave you 2 famous examples that got famous because of how big the backlash was from pardoning war crimes, and your comeback automatically is “OH FAMOUS, 50% OF AMERICANS MUSTVE LOVE IT!”. You really have the worst take on everything don’t you.

          Yes, people do care, a major part of Obama winning the election was his promise to close Guantanamo bay but the congress refused to let it happen. There is no support among the public for it, its hated by everyone, but the government refuse to close it.

          Regarding the Hague invasion act, it was created as a tool that could quickly be used without going through congress, if a situation was serious enough to seem nessicary in order to protect and secure a fair trial of all appointed officials and military personnel in any criminal court of which USA is not a member. The ACTUAL name is “The American Service-Members’ Protection Act”. You’re actually trying to compare that, and USA that DO convict and punish their own war criminals when they catch them, with Palestine that celebrates them? Aight. Cool.

          I understand the point you’re trying to make, but it’s just a terrible point because regardless of the situation I would be in, I WOULD NEVER CELEBRATE, SUPPORT, AND TAKE JOY OUT OF SEEING KIDS, WOMEN, AND INNOCENT CIVILIANS GETTING RAPED, TORTURED, AND EXECUTED BY A TERRORIST GROUP. Then we have absolute tools like you trying to minimize it 🤡

          And on the topic of punishing the whole country, do you believe it was wrong to put punishing demands on Germany after WW2? Was it unfair to make the nation pay for the damages they’ve inflicted? Was it wrong to put trading embargos on entire Russia because Putin decided the war with Ukraine had to happen? Of course not.

          • @[email protected]
            31 year ago

            Mate, do you believe the people that voted for Trump supported them getting pardoned?

            100% if for no other reason than because Trump did it.

            Have you heard ANYBODY call the pardons and their crimes good?

            Yes, the typical Trump sycophants on social media when it happened. They LOVED the fact that non MAGA cultists were upset by it.

            You really have the worst take on everything don’t you.

            It might be a bad take but cant be the WORST take as you keep giving out takes.

            Yes, people do care, a major part of Obama winning the election was his promise to close Guantanamo bay but the congress refused to let it happen. There is no support among the public for it, its hated by everyone, but the government refuse to close it.

            Yeah people care so much no one did anything about it, and you definitely know theres no public support for it because…?

            The ACTUAL name is “The American Service-Members’ Protection Act”.

            Great argument that completely refutes the point that the content of the law says the US will literally invade a sovereign country if the ICC tries to put an American on trial for war crimes. Is there any more purely semantic arguments you would like to make in lue of a substantial argument?

            You’re actually trying to compare that, and USA that DO convict and punish their own war criminals when they catch them, with Palestine that celebrates them? Aight. Cool.

            You are literally as thick as pig shit, mate. Its like trying to talk reason to a crying toddler. You only parse the parts you want to read.

            I understand the point you’re trying to make

            No you dont, you understand it about as well as one of my shits understands quantum chromodynamics. And I could sit here and try to explain it to you but I dont think I have the patience or finger paints needed in order to do so. And even if I did, you’re so invested in your stupid take that you wouldnt except anything I say and justy continue arguing for the sake of arguing like the fucking redditor you are.


            But youre fine to minimise collective punishment, bombing hospitals, killing women, children, unarmed civilians, journalists and aid workers because slightly more than half the population voted for Hamas many years ago?

            For my own mental health I refuse to believe anyone is this genuinely stupid. So im just going with the more likely option that you’re just another shitty troll that likes to make decidely stupid and edgy comments that get lots of downvotes and hate replys because thats the only way you’re able to get the attention you so desperately desire.

            And on the topic of punishing the whole country, do you believe it was wrong to put punishing demands on Germany after WW2?

            Yes. Hell even at the time we knew it was bad because Hitlers rise to power was almost a direct result of the punishments imposed on Germany after WW1 and the Weirmar republic. Thats why West Germany got tons and tons of aid to be rebuilt, more help and aid than France and the UK got in fact.