YouTube is increasing Premium prices in multiple countries, right after an ad-blocker crackdown | You either pay rightfully for the video content you consume, or you live with the ads.::Google is increasing the prices of YouTube Premium and YouTube Music Premium subscriptions in some regions, right after blocking ad-blockers.

  • @[email protected]
    61 year ago

    I have a question for people using sponsorblock. Why? How do you expect a content creator to pay the bills? I use an adblock because fuck Google but content creators pick up sponsorships specifically because YT pays like shit.

    • Beefy-Tootz
      191 year ago

      I’m only speaking for myself here, and I’m certain you’re not going to like the answer I have to offer. That’s not my problem. I don’t like being advertised to. I don’t like others telling me what I’ll like or what to do. I’m a monster, I know, I also take pee breaks when commercials come on tv as well and I usually arrive late to movies so I can skip the previews.

      Seriously though, I really don’t care how they pay their bills, they’re a dancing monkey on the sidewalk that I enjoy for a couple minutes and move on. If they can’t afford to keep making content and quit, I’ll just move onto the next channel that’s still producing. It’ll never run out, just like there’s always going to be someone who sits through the ads or actually buys whatever their shilling. At the end of the day, it’s their responsibility to make sure their shits handled, not mine. If they can’t pay their bills, they should probably do something that offers a more steady income not obligated to give them my time in exchange for them getting money. They get my time in exchange for me being entertained, that’s it. Maybe if they made content for enjoyment instead of money, they’d make better content.

      Before we get to name calling, I am fully aware that this is a shit take, but it’s the truth. I’m a cynic and I’m not very fun at parties either

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        10000% this. I don’t give a shit how you make money. YouTube started out as a place to let people show off to the world. It was wholesome. It was a community. Then they started paying people for views and it got perverted into this capitalist hellscape we have now where the most popular channels are garbage spewed out by content farms that exist to game an algorithm. Where the highest earners can commit literal crimes and get a slap on the wrist because Google wants the ad revenue their views bring in. This is not a community of the “you” the end users who just want to share interesting hobbies and funny clips with the world. Put the “you” back in YouTube.

        • Beefy-Tootz
          11 year ago

          Exactly!! I’ve been on the Internet for a long time. I remember the pre-youtube days. Way back when the Internet wasn’t exactly profitable. That meant that the content you found was genuinely made just to share something. I remember the early days of YouTube where people were just making cool shit. A good example, and I understand people have opinions that differ, would be RoosterTeeth. Started as just friends making funny shit, and they did separate shit for money to support making the fun stuff. Now, they’re a very different company owned by a mega corporation. They exist to produce favorable content and farm views. With the way that shit goes viral nowadays, there isn’t really a chance for small communities to exist before whatever space it is eventually explodes. I’m not saying small communities don’t exist, but there’s a big difference between what was and what’s become. Everything’s so much more commercial and purely for the intent of clout or money. People are actively trying to meet KPIs to satisfy arbitrary algorithms. Just go back to making entertaining captivating content.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        I am fully aware that this is a shit take, but it’s the truth. I’m a cynic and I’m not very fun at parties either

        I love basement dwellers. Moms cooking, pops paying the internet bills and he thinks he’s not going to see ads with his hands on cheetos, watching Netflix and ordering on food delivery app he subliminally remembers. But they were totally not from the ads.

        • Beefy-Tootz
          41 year ago

          That’s an awful lot of assumptions and insults coming through to someone who’s just answering the question honestly. I’m not naive enough to think I’m advertisement proof, I just get tired of them and avoid them where I can. I’m failing to see what your point is

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            Just because you’re honest doesn’t mean you get a cookie. Your take a isn’t just shit, you’re a fucking thief stealing from mostly ordinary people who are trying to find new ways to make money because the traditional economy fails us. You can take your whining and go fuck yourself as far as I’m concerned. If you don’t want to watch sponsorships that help people make more money then turn the fucking content off. Entitled twat.

            So many gigantic hypocrites on this site. Any time success for workers requires even a tiny amount of time all you hypocrites on this site suddenly turn into penny pinching fuckwads. bunch of fake leftist tools. It wasn’t enough for you to block ads so now you’re also blocking sponsorships, so that tells me you think you’re entitled to free work from others which makes you no different from some corporate capitalist shithead.

            • Beefy-Tootz
              11 year ago

              I don’t think thief is the right word. Would you consider someone who stands by a busker listening to their whatever and not throwing a coin in the hat, a thief as well? I get your point, I just think you went about it the wrong way. Who has the better claim to entitlement, the person who already got paid for the sponsorship based on their existing performance metrics, or me and my time? Are you a thief for taking a piss during a commercial break? Are you a thief for arriving late to movies to intentionally skip the previews? Where’s the line here? I’m also not sure of where my hypocrisy comes in either. I have no fantasies about other people wanting to hear what I have to say, especially if it’s going to cost them time or money. I’m not blocking advertisements and expecting people to watch mine. I don’t have anything to advertise. If I wanted to make a shitty YouTube video to entertain people, I’ll do that, but I’m not going to pretend that it’s going to put food on my table. My real job does that. I’m not so vain as to think I deserve other people’s time and attention. What makes Linus tech tips entitled to my time, or Mr beast, or whoever else is churning out mediocre content purely for profit?

    • @[email protected]
      121 year ago

      They’re already getting paid for putting it in their video. Sometimes the sponsorships are on a “per signups” basis and I have never once come across a YouTube sponsorship for something that I would actually have a use for. They’re either already getting paid or they weren’t getting my money anyway so I might as well skip it. I don’t need to hear a pitch for something I don’t want/need

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      I don’t care who’s serving the ads, I don’t want to watch ads period. I will pay for the content where possible though. I dont think youtube taking 45% considering the crazy infrastructure provided is that strange. Maybe 45% is still too much, but i don’t think 55% sounds like “shit”.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        I forgot that the people I watch are far less mainstream. They survive on Patreon and sponsorships because they’re constantly demonetized, thus my perception it pays shit.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          That’s fair enough. Didn’t think of that angle which is a pretty relevant one considering how easy it seems to be to get demonetized.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      Counter-ask: how does watching the sponsored content help them?

      They’ve been paid initially, people who use sponsor block are way less likely to sign up for the service.

      Watching it does literally nothing for them if you don’t sign up… The sponsor won’t even see metrics of who skipped the sponsored portion

      • @[email protected]
        01 year ago

        It just seems like overkill to me tbh. The content creators I watch need sponsors to get by, so I’ll take a peek at what they’re offering in good faith. If I don’t like it I just skip to the end of the bit, or leave the video since a few put them at the end. You’re not messing with corporate profits or anything.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Ok, but you can set it up to not auto skip. You could just get a button to skip to the end of the promotion - I think that’s the default even

          But I’ve literally only looked into a product sponsored by a creator once, and once I saw the price tag I clicked off. And that was after I installed sponsor block

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      Most ads are for products in another country so even if I hypothetically wanted it I can’t get it so why waste my time on it. And if they are multinational companies I usually don’t want anything to do with it. I also just don’t want to be advertised to. It’s wasting my time because 99.99% of the time it’s irrelevant to me.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        This didn’t help me, I understand advertising. My questioning sponsorblock apparently didn’t properly convey that a huge part of my confusion is that you can just… Skip that part. It’s not like rolled ads and even then I already mentioned support for adblocker.

        Like it’s overkill, obsessive type feel to me “I hate advertising so much I want everything to be automatic so I don’t even process for a 10th of a second that I may have consumed an ad” while most people are like “Oh it’s the sponsor” click click and move on. And hey maybe I see a it’s a product I DO use like Displate, so the discount code is useful.

        • Beefy-Tootz
          21 year ago

          Is the question “why automate when you can manually do it?” I think that’s where the confusion may lie. Why wouldn’t you automate it if you were going to do it anyway?

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      YT does not pay like shit. A lot of the time sponsorships are much more targeted and interesting than YouTube ads.

      That being said I mainly dislike bad ads. Good, well targeted ads that don’t destroy your eardrums for products that interest me seem nice. But they don’t tend to exist.