Update…Per Microsoft’s instructions, disabled all tracking protections in Safari and requested desktop mode and it works. Their instructions say turn protections back on after using teams… 😐
Funny enough it works in Safari and not Edge…tho that may be Apple’s fault since all browsers are somewhat just versions of Safari, last I heard…
I just dont understand how any company can use a product as broken as teams.
It comes with the Office subscription. People who choose it are not the ones using it daily.
My company’s IT department tried to push Teams since we pay for it either way. The rest of the company revolted and stayed on Slack.
I’ve been in an interview and the hiring manager wanted to have a call in Teams. Didn’t take that job.
Yup the people who chose it get celebrated for cutting hundreds of dollars per user per year for another product.
This fucking mentality. “Let’s use this thing that’s free instead of paying 50 dollars/month, the people who have to work with this can get their asses fucked!”
The business/work version of Teams isn’t free, you’re paying for it as part of the 365 subscription.
That’s part of why there’s a push to use Teams: companies see it as already paying for it, so might as well use it.
And of course there’s the constant barrage of fear mongering coming out of the security crowd that says the only sensible, secure thing to do is bring absolutely every fucking thing into a native 365 app. Because they fail to notice that the attack surface they’re so concerned about is a healthy software market.
Oh, didn’t know that thanks! My comment is just school IT trauma lol.
To be fair, slack price can reach up to thousands per month for very big companies.
That being said, teams is a ridiculous piece of software that is indeed broken.
Yeah but very big companies should expect to spend thousands per months supporting their team
Fuck you spez
It doesn’t even make sense in terms of numbers. If you’re paying people six figure salaries, that means they’re earning your company seven figures easy. If you increase the productivity of a person bringing in seven figures by 1%, that’s $10k minimum.
And yet they want to save like $13 per year to use a product that might cut their productivity by 5%
It comes with office for free. That’s how.
Now imagine being a freelance developer, who works for more than two clients, using Teams with different email addresses.
It’s a horror!
That’s me, but with four different clients. Have to switch between accounts all the time. It’s hell.
I’m not a huge fan of Teams, as it lacks critical features that alternatives have. But I’ve never experienced anything that would make me say it’s broken. What exactly are you referring to?
If you are part of two organizations you can’t log into both at once, and switch between them. You need to log out and log back in. The way you test your mic and speakers is incredibly stupid and slow. It’s also a disorganized mess.
Never thought about that 2 organization’s thing. Really could be useful if you have a end client account or something, but truth be told the majority of users/companies don’t need it so I kinda see why they don’t focus on that. It would be neat to be able to do that though… For the time being I just use one on browser + one on windows app. 😬
As for the microphone thing, I have no idea what you all are talking about. I’ve been using teams since 2019 or so and I can’t remember than happening once… Not that I can remember anyways.
This is honestly the biggest problem with it and I don’t understand how it hasn’t been solved after years. Luckily it was possible for me to just have one organization and just communicate as a guest with customers but it’s still a mess. People that don’t use it that way in don’t see my messages when they are connected to another organization.
I’m pretty sure that it has been fixed in the new Teams.
It’s sort of fixed via Teams Connect, but it involves admins setting up new B2B direct relationships alongside special Shared channels. But 99% of admins aren’t aware this even exists, let alone the end users.
It’s also a really easy way to make mistakes with sharing confidential content to a completely different organisation. Really not a great idea.
It should just be able to support multi tenant like slack always has.
If you aren’t part of an organization, and need to join another groups team temporarily, its a complete clusterfuck. I’m not sure what exactly they are doing with cookies, but if you have to work with multiple teams, its shocking how bad it is.
Also, the chat/ zoom feature for video conferencing; I’ve never had it ‘just work’. There is always someone who has an issue getting it to function correctly. It regularly drops video or audio or both. I’m like, actually shocked that a company like MS can’t make basic functional software.
If you do a lot of B2B interaction as a guest tenant you cannot switch tenants without Teams being rendered inoperable.
Once you switch the client will continue to crash with the only recourse being to close the client and erase it’s cache manually.
It’s beyond annoying.
Most recently with the update to add “Teams Classic” as the package name. Now, then coming out of suspend, the client will randomly just be a white window, while still functioning as if it isn’t, so you accidentally click the white box and start calls. This also forces you to force close teams and reopen it.
Yes, Teams 2.0 is available on enterprise, however some enterprises are annoying about updates and will sit on the upgrade for several years.
We use it where I work and it does have its problems but I’ve not experienced anything major. The biggest issue is that it frequently can’t access the camera or mic without a reboot.
I’ve never used anything else so I’m wondering what these critical features that it’s missing are. Our company only has about 25 employees so I wonder if it’ll get more difficult as we grow more. Having said that, almost all of our European customers use Teams and many of them have thousands of employees and seem to be managing ok (although they wouldn’t tell me if they weren’t - it’s the kind of thing that you complain about among yourselves).
How is camera and mic not working until reboot not a major issue for you? That would drive me insane.
It’s because “frequently” is a bit vague. When I say frequently I mean maybe once per month per user (although I get it less often than that and another guy in my office gets it more often).
It’s more frequent than it should be but not enough to annoy too much.
The only time I have had it not be able to use my mic was when I had some issue with my whole computer and no app could use my mic. It could have been a driver crash or something. But other than that, I haven’t had that issue. Slack ALWAYS has that issue for me, though.
For missing features, you can’t add custom emojis, you can’t have bots, searching chat history is horrible (almost to the point where it’s not usable), there’s no markdown for spoilers, code blocks, italics, etc. so you have to click the buttons for it (not sure if spoilers even exist in Teams), code blocks are really clunky, you can’t link other conversations.
When my work briefly used Slack, it was really nice for text chat. But some teams just didn’t switch, and there’s just so much value having everyone on one platform. Fragmenting users was very counterproductive, so we went back to Teams.
Searching chat history is pretty shit. There’s no way to actually see the chat bubble that you found in the context of its conversation that I can see.
You can have bots in Teams although I haven’t found any particularly useful ones yet. I know Azure DevOps has one that I haven’t tried yet and so does our support desk software but I don’t see why I’d use that over using the support desk app directly.
The reason why we’re using Teams is that it was the default option for Office 365 and I haven’t seen a reason to switch to anything else when Teams has text chat, voice and video chat, SharePoint file browser, todo list, power apps, SharePoint pages etc.
I wouldn’t want to go to a system where I’m using different apps for all that or one where we have to move our documentation to view it in the app.
I meant more of writing them yourself. My old company used Mattermost, and we wrote a bot to choose where to eat for lunch each day. It would pick 3 choices from a list that anyone could add to, and we would vote on those three options or veto.
I like having the option to make my own bots.
You can do that too. There are links to examples on this page:
Well, it’s not broken today but an update will break it tomorrow…guaranteed.
How about the fact it’s the only web all I have ever used that requires you to manually refresh it sometimes.
Like, it stops everything to show you a message saying “Please refresh my page thx”
It integrates or something, idfk. Part of the Microsoft suite so we all get it by default. No, don’t ask why licenses just got more expensive, I promise its free.
I use teams for work and have not had a single problem in the almost three years I’ve been with the company. We have teams phones and pretty much all teams licensing. I’ve had lots of problems with zoom and go to meeting. Especially with GoToMeeting when I was managing a citrix environment.
I’ve been using it daily for two years and I’ve had pretty much nothing but problems. It’ll sit in the background and sleep or something, and then I’ll get five hundred messages dropping in all at once. I put teams on my work phone on the side so I can see if someone messages me.
Sometimes messages don’t come through on the PC client, but they can be sent from it, meaning if I look at a chat on my phone it looks normal, but on my PC it looks like I’m talking to myself.
Video calls make all the shadows in the OS flicker. There’s a lot of shadows now, never gave them a second thought before.
The app has a tendency to spontaneously log me out during things, and then refuse to log back in unless I reboot.
Sometimes it doesn’t detect my camera or microphone.
Sometimes during calls the buttons stop working. If I’m sharing my desktop, I can’t stop sharing. If I’m muted, I can’t unmute myself. If my video is off, I can’t turn it on. If I want to close the rubbish and restart, I’ll need to go through task manager.
Not a big fan.
I’m wondering what kind of PCs people are using? I’ve never had most of your issues and I’ve been using teams pretty much daily for the past 3~4 years.
Not saying teams is perfect. UI is an absolute clusterfuck and it’s kinda heavy…
Second generation ThinkPad T14S.
Humm, I’ve had HP Elite Book (don’t remember the model. GC something.). No issues whatsoever. It’s so weird. I know Microsoft has a bad rep but I was under the impression that overall teams was good.
I’ve colleagues for whom teams works just fine. I think it has a vendetta specifically towards me.
Heavy is due to it running its own web server in the application (electron). The issues are more so due to the OS and how the company manages patches. Or firewalls/routing. Migrating to a new VPN appliance when my company was purchased brought up a handful of similar issues. Solution was trash profiles set in the VPN appliance.
Heavy is due to it running its own web server in the application (electron). The issues are more so due to the OS and how the company manages patches. Or firewalls/routing. Migrating to a new VPN appliance when my company was purchased brought up a handful of similar issues. Solution was trash profiles set in the VPN appliance.
Heavy is due to it running its own web server in the application (electron). The issues are more so due to the OS and how the company manages patches. Or firewalls/routing. Migrating to a new VPN appliance when my company was purchased brought up a handful of similar issues. Solution was trash profiles set in the VPN appliance.
Using Teams at first I was annoyed it didn’t have some zoom features like video backgrounds or whatever…but after using it quite a while I do like it better. The problem for me is you never know what update is going to break something whenever updates are forced…for office and all of the other work software.
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The comment was that Teams was broken which implies that they have problems with it so I think that was the question.
I can field this. The answer is simple: they don’t. They use Slack internally.
Which alternative do you propose?
Literally anything else except for zoom and teams.
I dont have issues with zoom. Its the least bad of all the VC services.
Really? I’d take Google’s offering or Teams over Zoom, especially if there’s a screen share involved
Zoom requires the zoom app and has lots of security holes
Ok. At least it works. I can’t say that for MS.
Are you talking specifically on phones? Because it works just find in browser on desktop.
Its been a while so maybe its changed since I used it. Before it was desktop only
Literally anything else is a better option. Slack + zoom is orders of magnitude better.
I use teams very actively; we don’t have slack and I hate emails.
Honestly can’t remember last time I’ve had any issues.
The app integration is awesome. It allows me to give non-technical people access to everything project related through a chat group.
15 pinned convo limit is nonsense though.
Also would like to just be able to paste markdown straight in.