A top Hamas political official told The Associated Press the Islamic militant group is willing to agree to a truce of five years or more with Israel and that it would lay down its weapons and convert into a political party if an independent Palestinian state is established along pre-1967 borders.

  • @[email protected]
    811 months ago

    The Palestinian people do not deserve to live under the rule of Hamas. In 19 years of living under Hamas, after all the money given to them by the US, France, the UK, Qatar, Iran, and even Israel, the only thing they built for the Palestinian people has been tunnels to commit terrorism

    An independent Palestinian state would give the Palestinian people a chance to throw off the yoke of Hamas.

    • @[email protected]
      -611 months ago

      I don’t believe that. Right wing fuckheads with weapons don’t generally give up their power, especially after they had already taken away the right to vote.

      A lot of dead Palestinians will be on your hands if you are wrong here. The price of being wrong is too high for me to agree with you, though I wish I could.

      • @[email protected]
        1211 months ago

        I don’t believe that. Right wing fuckheads with weapons don’t generally give up their power, especially after they had already taken away the right to vote.

        Man, if the choice is “right-wing fuckheads in a sovereign and potentially functional state” and “right-wing fuckheads in a Bantustan that’s currently being genocided by a foreign country, boosting the popularity of said right-wing fuckheads”, I think the choice is obvious.

        • @[email protected]
          -511 months ago

          I’m not personally willing to settle for a choice between genocides Palestinians or Jews, and with Hamas in power, you are going to get both.

          If Hamas wants to prove me wrong, and responsibly lead their people, maybe their political apparatus should stop being cowards, leave their Qatari skyscraper, and return to Palestine, and prove they want the responsibility of leading a nation.

          They don’t want that. Stop taking terrorists at their word just because they are the underdog.

          • @[email protected]
            1011 months ago

            I’m not personally willing to settle for a choice between genocides Palestinians or Jews, and with Hamas in power, you are going to get both.

            Hamas doesn’t have the power to carry out the genocide they want to. Israel does.

            They don’t want that. Stop taking terrorists at their word just because they are the underdog.

            Fuck man, I’m anything but pro-Hamas. I don’t think they’re making this offer in good faith, and even if they were, there are certainly more resolutions to pick from. I’m just pointing out that between the current state of affairs and a bad peace, the bad peace is preferable.

          • gimpchrist
            211 months ago

            So if the Hamas terrorists are in Qatar why is Israel bombing Palestine

      • gimpchrist
        411 months ago

        Right-wing fuck heads with weapons? You mean like israel? And you say the price of being wrong is too high for you to agree with someone… there is no price for you!!! You live in comfort, not being bombed everyday. You’re an armchair critic who pays not 1 ounce of a price for your dumb opinion.

        • @[email protected]
          -211 months ago

          The price is more dead Palestinians and Jews.

          And no offense, but you aren’t paying that cost either. Doesn’t mean we deny the cost will be paid.

          • gimpchrist
            011 months ago

            I mean there are literally almost no more Palestinians alive on Earth anymore but go off

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        Hamas has been given millions of dollars by Israel over the years while any other potential political group has been surpressed. Without Israel they may actually have a chance at forming alternative groups. There is already the blood of nearly 40,000 Palestinians on our hands.