• @[email protected]
      -110 months ago

      Good luck planting plants in areas that cannot sustain them, where a large portion of animals grazy and are raised on.

    • @[email protected]
      -210 months ago

      Most farms don’t grow food for humans to eat. You know this right? Like there is literally no way to sustain plant only eating for the whole country right now. It just isn’t there.

      • @[email protected]OP
        810 months ago

        We instead grow large amounts of crops that go to animal feed. It takes a lot less cropland for plant-based diets because we don’t have to grow feed to another creature (who then will use up a large amount of that energy)

        The research suggests that it’s possible to feed everyone in the world a nutritious diet on existing croplands, but only if we saw a widespread shift towards plant-based diets.

        If we would shift towards a more plant-based diet we don’t only need less agricultural land overall, we also need less cropland.

        In the hypothetical scenario in which the entire world adopted a vegan diet the researchers estimate that our total agricultural land use would shrink from 4.1 billion hectares to 1 billion hectares. A reduction of 75%. That’s equal to an area the size of North America and Brazil combined.


        • @[email protected]
          10 months ago

          No we do not, I cannot stand this stupid regurgitated lie. You cannot eat the food they do. You cannot eat spoiled food, you cannot eat grass, you cannot eat roots and stalks, 85% of what they eat is from foraging…and you cannot grow crops on the mass majority of the land that they live on.

          The water is even funnier, you cannot drink the water they do.

          • @[email protected]OP
            310 months ago

            It still takes more human-edible crops in than it produces out

            1 kg of meat requires 2.8 kg of human-edible feed for ruminants and 3.2 for monogastrics


            Per unit crop land you can produce a lot more with plant-based production

            we show that plant-based replacements for each of the major animal categories in the United States (beef, pork, dairy, poultry, and eggs) can produce twofold to 20-fold more nutritionally similar food per unit cropland. Replacing all animal-based items with plant-based replacement diets can add enough food to feed 350 million additional people, more than the expected benefits of eliminating all supply chain food loss.


            For another study

            We find that, given the current mix of crop uses, growing food exclusively for direct human consumption could, in principle, increase available food calories by as much as 70%, which could feed an additional 4 billion people (more than the projected 2–3 billion people arriving through population growth)


            For water usage, it’s also draining from places like the drying up Colorado river. We really don’t want to use more water from that area at all

            Correspondingly, our hydrologic modelling reveals that cattle-feed irrigation is the leading driver of flow depletion in one-third of all western US sub-watersheds; cattle-feed irrigation accounts for an average of 75% of all consumptive use in these 369 sub-watersheds. During drought years (that is, the driest 10% of years), more than one-quarter of all rivers in the western US are depleted by more than 75% during summer months (Fig. 2 and Supplementary Fig. 2) and cattle-feed irrigation is the largest water use in more than half of these heavily depleted rivers


            • @[email protected]
              010 months ago

              Let me say this again…we are not growing in any substantial way human edible food for just meat production. This is so wrong. I’ll say it again…you cannot eat nor drink what livestock eat and drink. All of these “studies” love to leave that out. No one is going to stop eating meat, veganism is not something the majority of people can magically swap over to.

              • @[email protected]OP
                10 months ago

                The first study’s I cited in the previous comment whole goal was to directly measure what amount of their feed was human-edible. It still found it takes more kg of human-edible feed than it produces in kg of meat. These studies aren’t leaving things out, they are just finding the opposite result

                Repeating the claim without any evidence does not make it more true

                • @[email protected]
                  110 months ago


                  Tired of repeating everything…read the thread. You’re studies are biased crap, it’s always some vegans that run the studies and it’s always got a biased lean to make the studies sound like we can magically feed 7+ billion people on plants with no issues.

                  • @[email protected]OP
                    110 months ago

                    The very study that you cite found it uses more human-edible feed than it produces. That is the more relevant figure

                    Contrary to commonly cited figures, 1 kg of meat requires 2.8 kg of human-edible feed for ruminants and 3.2 for monogastrics