A police officer has been filmed kicking and stamping on the head of a man lying on the ground at Manchester Airport.
The uniformed male officer is seen holding a Taser over the man, who is lying face down, before striking him twice while other officers shout at onlookers to stay back in a video shared widely online.
Greater Manchester Police (GMP) said firearms officers had been attacked while attempting to arrest someone following a fight in the airport’s Terminal 2 on Tuesday. It said it had referred itself to the police watchdog.
Anger has grown over the video and a crowd of what appeared to be several hundred people protested outside the police station in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, on Wednesday evening.
That shouldn’t be a setback of ten years, it should be an automatic attempted manslaughter charge and exclusion from any job that gives immediate power over strangers.
What is with internet comments being obsessed with attempted manslaughter?
No this is ABH/GBH at best depending on injuries which should go with an immediate suspension. Attempted manslaughter is not possible to convict
Convicting is not the point. Bullshit charges and intimidating maximum sentences are there to force a plea deal and rob defendants of their rights.
The cops taught us that.
This happened in the UK where plea deals aren’t really a thing.
Got my manchesters mixed up, sorry about that.
In fairness… regardless of what the guy did before this.
The officer deserves to absolutely lose his job. Without doubt.
The target.tis face down int be ground… not moving… and he stomps his head.
I heard the guy boiled a pot of water earlier in the day, so, you know, clearly it’s justified…
although this video is definitely cut early to make the police officer look especially bad I have to completely agree with you. This isn’t warranted even if the perpetrator was a child rapist, let the courts do the punishing.
Idk about where you live, but “versuchter Totschlag” is very much a thing in Germany. Translates to attempted manslaughter and is in essence an extension to aggravated assault for cases where it should be obvious to the perpetrator, that their actions are significantly likely to cause death.
Specifically kicking the head of a person who is already on the ground is one of the things that is basically guaranteed to get you charged with that .
Yeah sorry I got bubbled. I live in UK, this video is shot in the UK and I did the American thing where I forget other countries exist
Don’t worry, I did the same. Just assuming that legislature would be the same and all…
Hitting someone’s head with effort repeatedly is in general attempted manslaughter, no?
Humans are not battle droids. This action has a sufficiently big probability to result in death.
Attempted manslaughter not convictable in the country this crime was committed. Attempted murder you must prove intent to kill, which is difficult to do but entirely possible. Manslaughter you must not have intent to kill but still actually kill them. Attempted manslaughter is no death and no intent to kill, so in the UK this would be grevious bodily harm or attempted murder
Do you believe the guy that punched the cop on her head should be charged with attempted manslaughter as well?