For example workplace harrasment by women towards males like touching or groping being ignored because the victim is male but if it where to happen to a woman by a male the male would be fired

  • Five
    7 months ago

    We had to shutter [email protected] because of persistent and vocal judgement by a large population of Lemmy users, many from Lemmy.World. So no, talking about issues specific to their gender is definitely not a double standard where men get the short end of the stick.

    This is why you get judged. Because you so nakedly put on display how much ignorance and little empathy you have for women’s issues.

    [email protected] exists specifically for men who understand their issues in society are intersectional with women’s issues, and that solving them requires uniting to end patriarchy. Any discussion outside of that framing deserves the assumption that it’s a misogynist men’s pity party.

    • @[email protected]
      347 months ago

      Why is it okay for twoX to be devoted to women’s issues and actively discourage comparing them to men’s issues, but men can’t have an analogous space?

      Fwiw, if your twoX was different from previous similarly-named communities then I am sorry it closed.

      • Five
        7 months ago

        I think you misunderstood me. I do think men should have an analogous space. I support [email protected] 100%.

        If you didn’t misunderstand me, men don’t need a space specifically for comparing their issues negatively against women’s issues. That space is everywhere and anywhere, as evidenced by this discussion occurring in [email protected] and collecting overwhelmingly positive upvotes.

        • @[email protected]
          197 months ago

          Your comments here are an example of double standard.

          You are asking for men issues to stay in groups specific to that issue. Anyone who did the same for questions about women would be called a misogynist.

          • Five
            -117 months ago

            Wow, you’re really reaching there. I’m asking you to stop blaming women for men’s problems. There’s a group of people who aren’t doing that, and if you don’t want to be called a misogynist, follow the example of that group.

            • Makhno
              137 months ago

              I’m asking you to stop blaming women for men’s problems.

              And yet you’re the exact type of person to blame men for women’s issues lol

              Your mental gymnastics are funny

            • Lightor
              7 months ago

              Nah, this is textbook double standards.

              You are part of the problem that is stopping true equality. If men have everywhere to work through issues so you need a special place to do it, how does that end. You forever stay locked in that safe space because men own the public forum? Or do you try to fight for your spot in the public forum, attacking the only place you allowed men to work through issues? Or do you want a place in the public forum and your own space?

              So by your own logic women have their own communities and the general forum is for men, because of this post. So should women be told not to discuss their issues in general forums like Ask Lemmy and stick to their own communities? I mean these are for men right? Seems messed up to me.

              Why not just let everyone have a seat at every table? Be truly open and equal, instead of men deciding what women can have and women deciding what men can have. It’s not a hard concept.

              It’s people like you that make the divide bigger every time you fight for “equality”.

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              The incels are out in force.

              Ask them if they’re also supportive of White Pride and the KKK. Or if they’d endorse a “White Lives Matter” movement.

              • If they aren’t, then it reveals their cognitive dissonance.
              • If they are, then while they may be consistent, it also reveals they’re bigots and exposes the fallacious thinking.

              Maybe then the cognitive dissonance will be obvious.

    • @[email protected]
      127 months ago

      Men’s Lib on lemmy is an explicitly feminist space, and all the men there are in the pathetic friendzone white knight “women can do no wrong” space.

      • JackbyDev
        67 months ago

        How do you define feminism because I wouldn’t call feminists “pathetic friend zone white knight ‘women can do no wrong’” types.

        • @[email protected]
          27 months ago

          It’s not a causal thing. I’m saying both a and b are true, not that b is true because of a.

      • sunzu2
        37 months ago

        You got some examples of this or just based on vibes?

        • @[email protected]
          07 months ago

          You can look yourself if you like. Everything in there is all “feminism is awesome” and “men should be more like women”.

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        I haven’t checked it out myself but its ridiculous to think women can’t do anything that plays into traditional gender roles that is used to put down men (like men shouldn’t share their feeling for example)

        • @[email protected]
          07 months ago

          According to mens lib, that doesn’t happen and if you keep insisting it does they’ll ban you

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      Please go back to Reddit. Seems like a much better place for misandrists. We’re trying to build a healthy community here