The app is Clime Pro on iOS, they lock full access to Hurricane Milton data behind a $10 USD per week paywall.

If you’re in the area impacted by Milton, you can find publicly available resources at the National Hurricane Center’s website: National Hurricane Center

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    It’s made by “bending spoons operations”, an Italian company.

    From app’s the website:

    Copyright © Bending Spoons Operations S.p.A. | Via Nino Bonnet 10, 20154, Milan, Italy | VAT, tax code, and number of registration with the Milan Monza Brianza Lodi Company Register 13368510965 | REA number MI 2718456 | Contributed capital €50.000,00

    They also make WeTransfer, MeetUp and Evernote

    Edit: they only bought these, they didn’t make it.