I would rather know a little, honestly. Because what pisses me off about information today is that I don’t really know who’s value I am to take and even be skeptical towards. So I’d rather know little.

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    I don’t watch the news, because it’s not like you get unbiased facts - it’s the entire behavior of the news anchors and the people, and the editing, that creates a form of programming of people’s minds.

    It’s also almost 100% negative. And you can’t affect anything.

    I guess people watch it because they are scared of not knowing what’s going on? I don’t need to know what’s going on. If I lived in Thailand, I would miss all western news and it wouldn’t matter at all. So why not act like I live in Thailand.

    Let me know if the news ever help someone feel better about themselves, or how to get better relationships, how to love people more. Because that’s what my life is about. And how to have fun. :)