• 16 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2024


  • TED Talks are overrated. Basically it’s just a platform where self-centered pompous people take a microphone and say some of the most obviously sugar-coated shit that they can say. Then everyone in the audience all think that they’ve never heard this before and embrace for how ‘enlightening’ it is, when this guy is probably the 5th guy in line that has said the exact same things as the guy before them.

  • No. People are strapped in finances as is. My money right now is needed for expenses, I don’t have that much disposable income to be tossing it around to people. There’s thousands of homeless people out there. They need more help than just a couple dollars.

    I feel that I’m doing my part anyways by helping the needing, by donating to thrift stores, donating around my apartment and donating free things that I can. If there’s anything someone can flip for money, feel free to, it’ll probably be a lot more than what little I have to let go of from my finances.