It has not been a good year for anime streaming sites.
It has not been a good year for anime streaming sites.
Don’t buy bundled services if you intend to use one thing. For example, why do you want Internet, Phone and a TV bundle plan when you only use Internet? When you already pay for your phone on a separate plan, your TV could have a streaming stick and your internet is speedy enough to compensate. That and you may have a media collection anyway to watch offline.
The U.S Government not properly offering migrants education or anything to better assimilate.
$6 currently with MyTello. It’s a 2GB data plan and I think maybe 300 minutes if I’m not mistaken. $10 if I decide to make it 2GB data and unlimited text/minutes.
You can make friends at the workplace. It’s making relationships at the workplace is tricky waters. You don’t want to break up with someone where you’ll have to see them everyday.
The moment I hear of some form of abuse or manipulation coming into the picture. If you’re being abused, manipulated or both at any degree and for however long - get the fuck out.
Muscle Memory.
Plus, I go by a chain or series of passwords. For example, I’ll have a series of passwords that begin with P@ or something and I’ll branch off from that.
I thrift for a fair number of things so, I’m not that affected. 86% of the things in my apartment are through thrifting. The only things I know I’m going to probably wrestle with at times is groceries and newer things I would actually need like some appliance or something breaks down. It depends.
TED Talks are overrated. Basically it’s just a platform where self-centered pompous people take a microphone and say some of the most obviously sugar-coated shit that they can say. Then everyone in the audience all think that they’ve never heard this before and embrace for how ‘enlightening’ it is, when this guy is probably the 5th guy in line that has said the exact same things as the guy before them.
Maybe your christians aren’t afraid of it. But I’m pretty sure like 5.8 billion people who aren’t christian are kind of are and would not like this to fulfill some death cult’s prophecy.
No. People are strapped in finances as is. My money right now is needed for expenses, I don’t have that much disposable income to be tossing it around to people. There’s thousands of homeless people out there. They need more help than just a couple dollars.
I feel that I’m doing my part anyways by helping the needing, by donating to thrift stores, donating around my apartment and donating free things that I can. If there’s anything someone can flip for money, feel free to, it’ll probably be a lot more than what little I have to let go of from my finances.
It’s hard for me to know whether or not I’m on the wrong side of an argument. When people turn into bastards and brigade on me whenever I make an opinion on things. It’s hard to tell sometimes because, maybe their asshole-ness just validates what I expressed and I’ actually in the right. Who knows.
“If it happens to us, then it’s bad and the world should sympathize with us”
“But if we’re doing it, it’s justified if it means securing our country by whatever means!”
Microsoft, Apple and Google all collectively shed one single tear as their concerns for their multi-billion dollar profits. For the Execs that is.
How are these Israeli better than the Nazis that did similar things to them?
Talk about not learning from history.
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People need to understand that not everyone has the disposable budget to buy tons of SSDs/HDDs for storage, the internet speed to download episodes and the time for said downloads.