If the price gouging of 2020 and everything following that too. If the housing market crashes didn’t budge anyone. If the abundance of so many subscription services didn’t. If poorly chosen representatives didn’t.
If just the high cost of simply living life isn’t doing anything.
Then what the fuck will anymore?
Actually, they are, look at how they voted.
You can say that it’ll just make the thing worse, but someone promised them to kick off the “immigrant stealing their job” and cutting the "green policies banning them from driving their gigantic SUV "and they believe it will solve all their problem. Is that a lie ? sure, but at a point people believe plenty of lies
People will take a hellish amount of abuse so long as they still have food on the table.
it is happening; but not to everyone at the same time and the people who it’s not happening too are fine with it and will fight you tooth and nail if you ruin their gravy train.
it’ll eventually happen to them too, but it’s going to take longer to happen to them than it took to hit you because they’re either lucky and/or privileged; the more privilege they have, the longer it will take for them to feel it too (if ever at all).
redditors like to describe republican ethos as “i’ve got mine, fuck you” and “i don’t care until it happens to me”; it applies to everyone and there currently are enough of them to keep this fucked up system going.
The answer is that people are budged by degree, not all at once. Many of those events are radicalizing people, but it isn’t everyone at the same time.
I personally think it will take a complete shift in human mentality. One that will only come about via artistic movements, whether that be music, painting, film, or even propaganda posters.
IMO, art is the most important factor for bring about such a massive cultural shift. Kind of like how art in the Renaissance caused people to view life more scientifically and logically instead of based purely of faith.
Similarly, art from the the hippie movement in the 70s promoted peace and love instead of competitiveness, war and destruction.
I mean I decided enough is enough years ago but what the fuck am I supposed to do? No one will listen to me, the only job that will take me is infamously good at union busting, and I don’t know how to kill myself without traumatizing my niece.
You should join an org, if you have the time! The only way out of this predicament is by collective action, which requires organizing to accomplish.
There are sane countries out there, and you just so happen to be movement-privileged an well-off.
The spread of class consciousness and the organization of the masses.
No matter how bad the circumstances get, they won’t automatically and systematically arise. There will be plenty of spontaneous revolts, but as long as they are not gathered under the same flag and centrally coordinated, they will be crushed by the ruling class using the whole might of the state. It needs a vanguard party that can oppose the state of the ruling class by uniting workers’ struggles all across the country. This can only be a result of educating the masses by arming them with the right communist theory and building a fighting organization that can translate that into communist praxis, the communist party.
Or the short version: no matter how bad the objective factors get (cost of living, police brutality, endless wars), it needs the subjective factor to do the revolution (the organized proletariat under the flag of communism).
At least that’s what Lenin says
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A personal effect. Of course if they become affected personally it will likely be too late to do anything about it
We are. Just in opposing directions, imperfectly, and poorly.
Have you considered joining a group of like minded people with whom to coordinate? That might move the needle in your preferred direction.
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What exactly are you implying by that?
Death camps. I’m not kidding – we are seeing the exact same phenomenon as Germany in the early 30s, with propaganda supercharged by the internet. Many, many people are just too wrapped up in themselves to see what’s actually happening, and they will only retreat into themselves further as things get worse. It’s a coping mechanism.
The victory of Donald trump is evident of that. His selling point was “I’m gonna fix EVERYTHING”, dems pledge was “We’re not Donald trump!”. Dems lost fucking terribly.
Oblugatroy I voted for Harris, but it’s hard not to see that people are already desperate.