If the price gouging of 2020 and everything following that too. If the housing market crashes didn’t budge anyone. If the abundance of so many subscription services didn’t. If poorly chosen representatives didn’t.

If just the high cost of simply living life isn’t doing anything.

Then what the fuck will anymore?

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    it is happening; but not to everyone at the same time and the people who it’s not happening too are fine with it and will fight you tooth and nail if you ruin their gravy train.

    it’ll eventually happen to them too, but it’s going to take longer to happen to them than it took to hit you because they’re either lucky and/or privileged; the more privilege they have, the longer it will take for them to feel it too (if ever at all).

    redditors like to describe republican ethos as “i’ve got mine, fuck you” and “i don’t care until it happens to me”; it applies to everyone and there currently are enough of them to keep this fucked up system going.