TIL I learned the difference between TED and TEDx.

TEDx events are independently organized TED-like conferences that operate under a free license granted by TED. While they follow the general principles of TED, TEDx events are planned and coordinated by volunteers at the local level, aiming to bring the TED experience to a broader audience.

  • NeoToasty
    394 months ago

    TED Talks are overrated. Basically it’s just a platform where self-centered pompous people take a microphone and say some of the most obviously sugar-coated shit that they can say. Then everyone in the audience all think that they’ve never heard this before and embrace for how ‘enlightening’ it is, when this guy is probably the 5th guy in line that has said the exact same things as the guy before them.

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago


      My favorite Ted talk is a Tedx talk. It has has helped me and past classmates quite a lot. I still rewatch it before giving presentations.

      The quality of the content sadly often matters very little in comparison to the manner of speaking and self presentation.

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      There are legitimately valuable talks, like this one. As a format it’s very good to deliver specialised knowledge in a concise, impactful way thing is you need to pay attention that people actually have something to say – and that there’s a good reason to put it in a concise format for a general audience. That’s rarer than you think, thus you get tons of slop and platitudes. And TBH the only reason I know that talk exists is because SPJ is giving it, I was already over TED talks in general at that point.