Some of these things may sound a little exaggerated, but I’m not going to put it pass anyone considering who we’re going to be dealing with in these 4 years.

I’m expecting nutrition labels to be poorly regulated and to be informationally false or fabricated. Because we’ll have health “experts” who don’t care about people’s health.

There’ll be a lot of sissy slapping among the rich who’re fighting moreso over their ideas in what the best course of action that’ll benefit them, than it is to benefit country.

Domestic dispute cases will more likely be thrown out or not focused on because this country has shown as to how many misogynists and incels that there are.

I was playing Half-Life 2 recently and for some reason, the vibes of that game reflected the vibes that we’re going to be facing. While not exactly, it’ll be a similar atmosphere, where we’ll be clinging to whatever escapism outlet that we can find to ignore it all.

(This is USA…for the people who’re like “DUHHHHH”)

  • @[email protected]
    34 months ago

    what we know that’s on the table

    Who is we, and what’s on the table currently ?

    But let’s make a few prediction for end of 2028

    • First wave of climatic refugee to hit the west. We start to see place with more intense flooding or deadly heat-wave, but not yet at the point people massively seek asylum far-away, but this is getting close

    • The mess in middle-east won’t get better

    • The conservative wave isn’t stuck to Murica, I see a couple of European countries more having either far-right at the goverment or with blocking-minority

    • Some progress in cancer research, it’s easy it’s moving every-day

    • IA industry crash, nowadays, there is tons of cool stuff, but beside AI generated catgirls, and instagram bots, there is no big application, and I don’t expect the tech to be mature enough in the coming 5 years, leading to some bankrupcy. It’ll be enough to turn mainstream social media in Bot-infested hell

    • Still on the technology side, I don’t expect all these cool start-up about fusion to go somewhere, some would announce major delay (ITER won’t start by then, but we know-it) or pivot

    • China keep rising in power