Been using NextDNS as well and happy with it. I went the opposite way. Had piholes and figured that yearly expense was cheaper than me messing with them when something broke. Now I get to be annoyed with someone else instead when something breaks!
The alien visitors to this planet will sort through the ruins of its extinct species and will be told to buy more things. By computers still running, still marketing.
They will shrug their shoulders and wonder what that means, and if it helped the inhabitants.
I gotta stop using chrome on my phone 😔
Firefox mobile supports ublock origin
Only on android unfortunately.
Use an ad blocking DNS
Any recommendation?
Two I’ve had good experiences with are and
NextDNS has been good to me. I think it’s about $20/yr if you go over the free tier.
Maybe one day I’ll get my pie-hole running. This was easier.
Been using NextDNS as well and happy with it. I went the opposite way. Had piholes and figured that yearly expense was cheaper than me messing with them when something broke. Now I get to be annoyed with someone else instead when something breaks!
Mildly fitting though. “Ecological collapse is imminent; please buy more products.”
If there is a better epitaph for Humanity, I have not heard it.
Can we Laser etch this quote onto the moon’s surface before the last human dies please?
The alien visitors to this planet will sort through the ruins of its extinct species and will be told to buy more things. By computers still running, still marketing.
They will shrug their shoulders and wonder what that means, and if it helped the inhabitants.
Ritual purposes.
Use Mull.
Cromite is a good Chromium fork with built-in ad block and privacy features.
Second that. Or at least use adguard.
Pihole AND uBlock
How do I Pihole, I have an old netbook, can I turn that into one somehow. I hope so because I have one.
Get a supported version of Linux on there, give it a static IP on your LAN, install Pihole by following the guide at
Update the DNS ip that your router gives out to the IP of your netbook, and voilà, most ads can’t load any more.
Even mobile phone apps that have ads won’t show the ads when you’re connected through your home network.