
The Colombian navy intercepted a semi-submersible carrying cocaine in the Pacific, uncovering a new smuggling route to Australia.

The vessel, capable of traveling thousands of miles without refueling, was part of a lucrative operation targeting Australia, where cocaine fetches six times the U.S. price.

This was the third such vessel seized, with maps confirming the route.

The operation, part of the multinational “Orion” initiative, seized 225 tonnes of cocaine and arrested over 400 people globally.

Colombian authorities highlighted links between South American and Oceanian crime networks.

  • @[email protected]
    104 months ago

    The first article about this said 2300 tons, the second, 1400, and this one 225?

    What is worse is the 2300 tons article implied that was seized from one sub. Do any of these dipshits know what a submarine hauling 2300 tons would look like? It would be as big as a container ship.

    At this rate we will learn its 2 dudes and a few k’s on a dingy!

    • @[email protected]
      84 months ago

      If the cartels had their cargoes insured for loss we would know exactly what it was worth. But as it is now, the value of drugs is limited only by the imagination of the police in charge.

      I’ve seen pigs weigh entire marijuana plants, terracotta-pot and all, then multiply that figure by a “street value” that’s 10X what I’ve ever paid for premium bud. I’m convinced that many drug dealers go their start after seeing these inflated values advertised on TV.