
Narva, Estonia’s third-largest city on the Russian border, faces ongoing provocations from Moscow, including GPS jamming, drone incursions, and propaganda.

With a 96% Russian-speaking population and historical ties to Russia, concerns grow that the Kremlin may exploit ethnic divisions to justify aggression, as seen in Ukraine.

Estonia, a NATO member, has increased defense spending to 3.7% of GDP and plans border upgrades, but doubts remain over NATO’s readiness.

Local tensions persist, with propaganda battles, strained cross-border relations, and recruitment challenges among Narva’s Russian-speaking population.

  • @[email protected]
    33 months ago

    No. No service weapons at home in Finland (but a lot of hunting weapons per capita). And conscription wasn’t shut down as per the previous commenter.

    • @[email protected]
      13 months ago

      I wonder which country I’m thinking of. It’s embarrassing but all of northeast Europe (with the exception of Russia) is kinda interchangeable in my mind. No offense meant, I just have a annoyingly stubborn blind spot in my knowledge there.

        • @[email protected]
          13 months ago

          Thank you! Like I said I’ve got this damn stubborn blind spot about the geography and differences in those parts of Europe. Norway is the long one that’s to the west right?

          I’m only half kidding here.