
France commemorated the 10th anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo terror attack, with President Macron and Mayor Anne Hidalgo leading tributes at the former offices where 12 people were killed by al Qaeda-linked gunmen in January 2015.

The massacre, sparked by the magazine’s cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, ignited global debates on free speech and religious tensions.

Survivors emphasized satire as a form of resilience, while public support for freedom of expression remains high.

The anniversary prompts reflection on France’s values and the enduring legacy of “Je Suis Charlie.”

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    The most hypocritical event the west has ever experienced. While bombing the entire middle east to rubble without a single care in the world for “colateral damage”, every single western leader falls in line to defend racism and Islamophobia.

    With the genocide in Gaza going on now it becomes more clear than ever how little actual moral values these western politicians truly hold. Suddenly you cannot criticize Israel because that would be antisemitic.

    And woe those who criticize religion of which its practitioners are not white. Despite it not even being a criticism of a religion.