After seeing this discussion being brought up again, I was going to genuinely ask you all to explain where that comes from. I’m from Brazil and I don’t recall ever shopping at a place with a large parking lot, which I believe might be part of the issue. I was thinking how come people value this act so much and before starting to write a post here I sent a message to a friend, then it hit me: it’s absurd.

I mean it. The feeling I had reading the comments wasn’t confusion or ignorance, it was the cognitive dissonance of looking at the world I live in and what people decided marks a person as decent. This is one of the moments I really have to stop and check if I’m not actually the crazy one. I really can’t think of something smaller to care about that someone else will defend so vehemently. Really, try me, I’m already broken again.

  • Pete Hahnloser
    29 days ago

    A few years ago, I got stuck behind this bullshit during the height of covid. Single travel direction, so no way out. Dude in front of me stopped because he saw a family starting to unload what must have been a $300 trip. Just sat there while they filled the car and then returned the cart, so at least they did that. About five minutes in, I laid on the horn enough that security came by to tell me that I was, in fact, the asshole.