Born in 01. I’m excited to be 24 and have a celebration with my girlfriend and family, but I feel OLD.

What is the cutoff? When do you stop being a young woman?

(I was going to say I wish I was still around 10 years younger when I realized that people born in 2011 are going to be/are 14 and not 5.)

Other edit: It’s been almost 8 years since my Sweet 16. Holy crap. My sister was 6.

  • @[email protected]
    626 days ago

    Yes. You’re still young enough where you don’t seem out of place going to bars every friday night, and hanging out of the tops of limos going WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO as the limo drives down the street. The driver isn’t annoyed that you’re not acting your age. The driver is annoyed that his job is basically glorified babysitter on wheels.

    But as a young woman, you need all of the advice. You need to do all the things. See all the stuff. And my advice is to do nothing. Relax, don’t do it. When you want to go do it. Relax. Don’t do it. When you want to come.

    All the advice. None of the advice. Do everything. Do nothing. Life is all about making decisions. Some decisions you’ll love having made. Others you’ll later regret. Life is all about finding the road that leads to self acceptance and inner peace.

    But shoot it in the right direction. We’re making it your intention. Live those dreams. Scheme those schemes. Got to hit me with those laser beams! Ow ow ow! Laser beam me! 1, 2, 3, 4