Born in 01. I’m excited to be 24 and have a celebration with my girlfriend and family, but I feel OLD.

What is the cutoff? When do you stop being a young woman?

(I was going to say I wish I was still around 10 years younger when I realized that people born in 2011 are going to be/are 14 and not 5.)

Other edit: It’s been almost 8 years since my Sweet 16. Holy crap. My sister was 6.

  • Sami
    1727 days ago

    18-24 usually gets grouped together for census and survey stuff so you got a good year left in the tank before you’re part of the 25-44 crowd

    • And a decade or so before your targeted ads switch from fast fashion, adventure holidays and entertainment to things like lawn care products and orthopedic footwear.

    1627 days ago

    You can consider yourself whatever you want for however long you want.

    If you feel young and people thing you are weird for saying so that is their problem. Young is a feeling not a number.

  • Owl
    726 days ago

    “Old” starts at 60-65, not 24 xD

    727 days ago

    OP, every day for the rest of your life you’re going to be the oldest you’ve ever been. As time goes on, that age will even become a number you never much thought about or imagined yourself reaching. Around 24 you have pretty much passed all the major rites of initiation and markers of adulthood. There’s nothing else here except getting older. My advice is to get out that imagination and think about what you want your life to be at 50, because it will come.

    627 days ago

    Yes. You’re still young enough where you don’t seem out of place going to bars every friday night, and hanging out of the tops of limos going WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO as the limo drives down the street. The driver isn’t annoyed that you’re not acting your age. The driver is annoyed that his job is basically glorified babysitter on wheels.

    But as a young woman, you need all of the advice. You need to do all the things. See all the stuff. And my advice is to do nothing. Relax, don’t do it. When you want to go do it. Relax. Don’t do it. When you want to come.

    All the advice. None of the advice. Do everything. Do nothing. Life is all about making decisions. Some decisions you’ll love having made. Others you’ll later regret. Life is all about finding the road that leads to self acceptance and inner peace.

    But shoot it in the right direction. We’re making it your intention. Live those dreams. Scheme those schemes. Got to hit me with those laser beams! Ow ow ow! Laser beam me! 1, 2, 3, 4

    627 days ago

    Young and old is relative. I side with those saying young is until 40, then you’re middle aged.

    • darreninthenet
      327 days ago

      Whereas I’m in my late 40s and don’t feel particularly old… if anyone describe me as middle aged I’d assume they were joking around 😂

        127 days ago

        I’d just presume they mean you’re no spring chicken anymore. I’m in my late 30s, don’t feel old at all, most people say I look ten years younger than my actual age. But I don’t feel like I belong in the same category as someone in their 20s. Middle aged would be the most appropriate way to describe me in a couple years, even if I don’t look the part.

  • Bonje
    627 days ago

    M26. I feel old as shit and it’s only gonna get worse. A lot of it is your attitude and environment, something i’m struggling with rn. You can still be young in your 60ies if you have wonderful people surrounding you.

    527 days ago

    Even after 40, there’s no shortage of people calling you “young”. The actually young people don’t call you “old” the same way. Just be glad you’re alive.

    427 days ago

    If you are asking it trying to get a sense of how other people view that age, you might want to assist with who are the people around you that are in the same age bracket and think about each of them when they are with you. How’s do they act, so they do anything childish. Do they seem different from how they were 4 years ago

    I think you are a young person at that age. I’m 20 years older than you.

    When i was your age, 911 happened. The world did not feel nearly as complex as your first 5 years as an adult have been.

    How old you feel can change on a lot of things but man you have had to deal with a lot in those last few years and today is a bigger wtf Than the last 4 years, even before that COVID you had to deal with the first Trump administration (assuming you are in America) so where have you got to live with the I’m a young adult starting out in the world mindset? It has felt like one looming that after another.

    Unless you are one of those that have been able to turn your brain off and not pay attention to the world around you, i have great sympathy for young adults like you. I think you are going to be the generation that defines the future, it might take another 30 years but you and others your age are going to have some strong opinions when you get into positions of leadership and i think it will be great for everyone when you get there.

    You feel old, but i promise you that you aren’t old, that’s just exhaustion from life and maybe it’s the way generations are getting shorter.

    Tech is where the world has been since the bubble and it reshaped the world. You were born at the beginning of a line of demarcation in history. I was born in in the pocket before that where the people that taught me didn’t grow up in a world that looks like today.

    The Internet in your pocket is a new era and you are going to be one of the people that defines what modern humans are.

    Products of an environment that changes every 6 months.

    You are probably starting to see the world looking at people younger than you in a way you have never felt before, the bandits of DOGE are younger than you.

    The highest paid athletes are starting to be younger than you

    You are cruising through a threshold that might be hard to grasp.

    But you are not old.

    Not to me or many other people

    If it bothers you know that how old someone comes across as really isn’t related to your physical age.

    You can continue to think of yourself as a young woman for a while yet, but you still likely never stop feeling younger than your actual age. I know people 15 years older than me that act younger than i feel.

    Not all, but a big enough number of women have told me 26 is when they stopped feeling like a kid, but many people have a concern with not being in their 20s, it really doesn’t mean much i promise you that you can feel great about your age no matter what it is and that the challenges in life that you need to solve for, and the solutions you need to use, are what make us feel younger or older than you are