I miss malls. I miss the dynamic nature of them. I miss exploring them. I miss seeing all the things that people could buy. I miss the atmosphere. I miss the fountain you throw your pennies in. I miss meeting so many different people. I miss the escalators. I miss the joy of going into the mall pet shop and seeing the animals warm up to you. I miss sitting at the food courts, eating my weirdly quality pizza and taking in the ambiance. Hell, I miss getting lost in malls.

One of the things that feels like a stab in the heart as an aspiring parent is I will never be able to take my kids to the mall and have them experience the same experience. I look at malls now and want to cry. Look at me, a commie crying over a pillar of capitalism. That’s how much of a friend malls were to me, yet nobody I know will say they relate.

  • @[email protected]
    629 days ago

    I can definitely understand why someone would feel so nostalgic about them, as a fellow commie. personally, I really enjoyed our mall’s general vibe around Christmastime especially. I associate them with a more carefree time, as well.

    As for me, I really miss acting. was in musicals and drama/humor speech competitions all 4 years of high school, and even went to states/nationals for the latter, then acting classes in college. it’s such a satisfying creative outlet for me.

    I suppose I could start doing it again now, but the time investment would be so much more significant than it was when I was in school, and I cant help but think that my time would be better spent toward something more “productive”.

    also, the daycare I went to as a little kid used to serve us soy sauce flavored ramen with mashed potatoes (including butter/milk). so healthy! 😬 I really loved it, though, as long as the noodles weren’t overcooked. I could go for some now.