I wish. lol. no, I just became an adult.
I’d give nearly anything to share a meal/drink/joint with Hidetaka Miyazaki.
Estoy aprendiendo español. Me encantaría practicarlo contigo (y inglés, si necesitas ayudar también).
I wish. lol. no, I just became an adult.
I can definitely understand why someone would feel so nostalgic about them, as a fellow commie. personally, I really enjoyed our mall’s general vibe around Christmastime especially. I associate them with a more carefree time, as well.
As for me, I really miss acting. was in musicals and drama/humor speech competitions all 4 years of high school, and even went to states/nationals for the latter, then acting classes in college. it’s such a satisfying creative outlet for me.
I suppose I could start doing it again now, but the time investment would be so much more significant than it was when I was in school, and I cant help but think that my time would be better spent toward something more “productive”.
also, the daycare I went to as a little kid used to serve us soy sauce flavored ramen with mashed potatoes (including butter/milk). so healthy! 😬 I really loved it, though, as long as the noodles weren’t overcooked. I could go for some now.
I also feel particularly passionate about this, as felt totally dismissed by nearly every adult in my life as a kid. That shit feels so defeating and isolating. it can seriously fuck you up.
in addition to a lot of others already mentioned (there’s a lot of overlap)
Tale Foundry (technically about writing fiction, but they also discuss media in general along with its themes, character archetypes, ect. it’s more interesting than it sounds)
Jacob Geller (mostly video games)
My Little Thought Tree (also psychology)
nice deflect. my actual point still stands, though.
oh look! here’s yet another person who is blabbering about fascism despite the fact that they obviously don’t even know what it is.
Fascism is a far right-wing ideology. Like, literally always. By definition.
TIL posting/having conversations about a characteristic of one country implies that you believe that no other countries have that same characteristic.
While I’m sure the fact that the dominance of US news and culture on the internet is probably really frustrating for non-Americans, it’s pretty natural for Americans (or anyone, really) to talk about our own country and experiences… especially while having to grapple with how things have been escalating here. You’re certainly free to share your own experiences.
The victim complex of so many white people is truly fucking wild.
Are you not already buying food anyway? No one is forcing you to do anything. But people are going to call you out for being so uninterested having an equitable society.
it is still much more difficult for people of color to become professionally successful than it is for white people. That’s a fact. There are still laws in place (and not nearly enough protections), which disproportionately harm POC.
Do they not deserve to be just as successful? To follow their dreams? To be able to support themselves and their families?
Knowing this, why wouldn’t you seek out black-owned business to help counter systemic racism? Those in power in the US, at least, aren’t going to do it. This is by their design.
I care about the well-being of everyone (well, minus the 1% and Nazis), but those who continue to be harmed by a system—that I directly benefit from as a white person—simply require more attention if we’re ever going to have an equitable society.
Inscryption is amazing, and I’m not even a card game person. Fuck that damn egg deck, though.
Language Transfer
Well, firstly, there’s the artistry of it. Creativity can be very sexy; it’s a kind of intelligence, after all. Hence writing, cooking, painting, ect. also being on the list. Not to mention, wood is a beautiful medium overall… and it smells nice when freshley cut.
Secondly, it’s attractive to be good with your hands. Not just because of the obvious, but because it’s genuinely admirable. It’s a show of competence (or at least one kind of competence) and requires one to be hard-working, dedicated, passionate, and persevering. All pretty universally attractive traits.
A carpenter’s hands may be rough and scarred, but they’re rough and scarred because they’ve literally crafted furniture/boats/houses/whatever. That in itself is pretty attractive to me.
Also do you find power tools or hand tools more attractive?
Personally, hand tools, because they require one to use more of their own power, if that makes sense. Plus, power tools are a little too dangerous for me to see them in a sexy context lol. Frankly, the tools themselves don’t really do much for me.
Edit: two words
I was a pretty big fan of them when I was a teenager. Saw them live a couple of times. They were actually what prompted my eventual radicalization.
One of them (not the rapist; ugh… what a huge fucking disappointment that was) lived just a few houses away from us for a few years. I never built up the courage to approach him, though.
Edit: just read the article the other commenter posted. Didn’t realize the rest of the band was (probably) a problem too. It’s a bummer, but I can’t really say I’m surprised.
It depends. If you eat frequently, regardless of how much you eat, you’re going to feel hungry relatively soon at any given point. So, eating at a deficit just amplifies that. It’s hard to ignore.
However, I’m a big fan of fasting (though I haven’t been very consistent with it lately). Once my body eventually gets used to not eating multiple times per day and instead, say, eating one big meal once per day, I don’t feel hungry at all until dinner time.
Even if you do eat at a reasonable deficit, and your daily meal is healthy/has enough fiber/protein, it’s way more likely to satiate you.
Not really related to the post, but if I’m doing OMAD (one meal a day) consistently, fasting also makes me feel great. I get a noticeable increase in energy and mental clarity.
Me too. That just sounds even more exhausting than my life already is
AskLemmy’s name is modeled after the Reddit thread AskReddit, which was basically the same concept.
In the future, I suggest reading a page’s description and rules before posting. The information is there for a reason, after all.
I do this too. Though instead of a hard-boiled egg, I like to fry one so the yolk is still a little runny, and put it on top.
Recently, I’ve been making a vinaigrette with olive oil, vinegar, dijon mustard, salt/pepper, honey, and Lao Gan Ma spicy chili crisp. It’s pretty damn good.
OOOOoOOOOOOoooo running into literally anyone from high school
OOOOoOOOOOOoooo being stuck in an unwanted conversation with a talkative stranger or distant relative
OOOOoOOOOOOoooo getting invited to a pyramid scheme party by a close friend
OOOOoOOOOOOoooo hearing an unexpected knock at the door
I suspect other insurance companies will be following suit :)
I started 6, but so far I’ve only completed the first level. I feel like I’m letting our beloved Miyazaki down. 😔
one day I’ll play it for real.