Make it a good one.

  • How much power do I have?

    If I could divert the asteroid that resulted in the K-T event, that’d drastically change history. It may not have stopped dinosaurs from eventually going extinct, but it’d have given them 33 million more years more to evolve, and would certainly have affected mammalian evolutionary history. Maybe, just maybe, raptors would have gotten smart enough.

    Ooh! Take back a lot of ravens. They’re almost smart enough already. Heck, I wonder if taking ravens back even earlier would be enough for them to evolve into something dominant. Problem is, they’re not particularly social, and I think that’s been our greatest advantage.

    Or: introduce modern octopus to ancient oceans.

    Stopping the K-T event is my favorite, though. It would absolutely have changed how life on Earth has evolved since.

    30M years between extinction events is about all you get, though.

    • @[email protected]
      28 days ago

      Those are great ideas but miss thr mark on the second part. They all require a lot of work and we’re lazy.

      • Maybe? Like, how hard is it to put a Tsar Bomba on the asteroid when it’s a light-year away? Or, if it came from the Oort cloud, a thousand years before whatever nudged it in, nudged it in?

        I don’t know. Putting a bomb on a timer on an asteroid seems pretty simple. If we’re time traveling, we’re also space traveling, because the solar system was about a third of the way around the galaxy at the K.T. event. In comparison, the shift to the impactor 1ly away would be margin-of-error stuff.

        There were no constraints posted; no “you can only take a truckload of stuff”, or, “you appear on the Earth where that point was at that point in time”. I mean, if all you do is travel back in time 1 year without also traveling in space, you’re going to be breathing hard vacuum when you come out.

        So: I’m assuming:

        • I can choose where I come out
        • I can take anything I want with my - I’m not traveling Terminator-style
        • I can get my hands on a working Tsar Bomba before I go (that’d probably be the hardest, aside from violating the laws of physics)

        However, for the other ideas? What’s hard about transporting a murder of crows to the Triassic? I don’t even have to go myself.