Homeboy is HAGGARD for 36! That man is at least 65.
It’s a 36 year old as seen by an 8 year old, which appears to be, as I suspected, the age of wikihow authors.
LOL. Yeah. That dude in the picture took her age, added 7 years, doubled that and then lied about his own age.
That’s after 25 years down the coal mine
Read the text 3 times before spotted the 36 on the pic. Where is the useless red circle when you have a brain fart?
Spotted the 36 year old. Put on some glasses old man!
Got me you punk!
Honestly I’ve unironically missed the entirety of the image at first, I went directly to the text. And probably a lot of internet-savvy people would, this kind of image is useless decoration 90% of the time and people are trained to not look at it. Same concept as in that research where they asked people to find the current population number on a webpage and they had a very hard time, despite the value being in big red digits or something equally distinctive.
I came to the comments for an explanation because I completely missed the age labels, so thank you.
xkcd readers remembering 8 billion comic id numbers:
You act like they have to pull it up with a number ID and don’t already have every xkcd alphabetically, pneumonically and categorically sorted in their bookmarks.
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Amazing, there really is an xkcd for everything
41 dating 25, we’re both happy but guess I should hand myself in somewhere ;~;
But yeah definitely looking younger than 36 based on these standards 😅
Good advice from 1901. Especially the bit about not marrying women older, taller, or wealthier than you. Especially all 3. Even if she’s like 1 day older, 1 inch taller, or $1 wealthier than you. You gotta man up and not tie that knot!
Actually, a good advice in general though. Not many marriages last when the woman is considerably wealthier or older. Not sure about taller, I’ve seen a lot of successfull exceptions.
I really wish people would stop parroting this bullshit “rule”, age-gap shaming is so fucking stupid
This (within reason and legality obviously)
It’s a case by case thing. Admittedly I’m defending myself here as I’m 41 dating 25 and I will never assume to be a good person or doing the right thing but am at least trying. Basically minding and respecting the gap but allowing the fact we fell in love to go ahead and happen.
- Both guys (idk, I heard age gaps are more common with gays anyway?)
- He was the one to approach me and ask me out, I’d thought about it but was reluctant to, turned out he got there first
- I check regularly that he’s happy and remind him of where the difference will be in 9 years for example
- It’s an open relationship, largely for his benefit and freedom (of course I get some fun too) and heck we’re not actually all that sexual between ourselves
- I’m not in any rush to pin him down, and often say he’s free to do what he wants, enjoy the 20s fully and decide for himself if he wants a future with me or not. If one day he finds someone closer in terms of age or distance and wants to let me go, of course I’ll be heartbroken but love and want the best for him so would respect the decision - hopefully ultimately remaining friends and lives made richer than when we started.
- To be honest, whilst I know it’s not a good thing, I’m a late bloomer, so in various ways kind of like the same age but sadly in an older body
I’m not gonna be like “oh I’m a good person so it’s fine”, I don’t know that. I might be an asshole. I can only try, based on things like the above, hopefully without being labelled something nasty.
(Who am I defending against anyway? Probably my own conscience.)
Okay groomer
Two consenting adults deciding to date each other shouldn’t be anyone’s concern but their own.
Fuck off
Stephen Miller is 37, this tracks.
If both parties are 18 and above, it is none of our business. Many men are into cougars and many women like sugar daddies. Whatever floats their boat.
Legally, yes. You can’t and shouldn’t prevent them from dating.
But, it’s still creepy, it’s usually still predatory, and there can be a huge power imbalance. Basically, the main thing is whether either person can easily leave at any time - often the younger one can’t.
How is that any different than 18 year olds getting an apartment together and being too broke to easily move out if needed? And there are plenty of older people in the same boat financially. In fact most people live paycheck to paycheck.
I guess what you really mean is that poor people should only date other poor people, to make it a fair power balance. /s
Legally yes. Socially dating someone in the same life stage as you is the line. The half your age plus 7 rule roughly aligns to that.
With how stressful things have been lately? I might just look like that in just under a decade…
maybe 1987 was a weak batch or something, and they’re aging prematurely… i don’t have any data to support that…
They started high-school just after Columbine, they were trying to get through high-school when 9/11 happened, they were trying to start their careers when the GFC came along, and they were trying to get married when COVID hit. Late-80s babies can’t catch a break.
no i agree 100%, i feel for them… i honestly can’t tell you how sick i am about it… Columbine was enough…
I brutally kill 36 year olds too, usually by gassing them with RAID for trying to escape my basement.
Makes you wonder whether there is a dating rule “based on science”.
Dating is a social thing, not really science related though
Comment OP knows it’s not a ‘natural science’ thing, it was a rhetorical point
And if you’re 18, you can only date someone who is exactly 18. Can’t go any lower or any higher.
Idk who told this to me, but what a weird contradiction. I guess it sorta makes sense.
Nope. If your age minimum for a partner y is determined by your age x with the function:
y = 1/2 x + 7
then the point where y = x is at y - 7 = 1/2 x. Setting y to x leads us to x - 7 = x / 2, which happens at x = 14.
At x = 18, y = 18/2 + 7 = 9 + 7 = 16.
Relatedly, if we invert the function, y - 7 = 1/2 x, thus 2y - 14 = x, which gives us the theoretical maximum for a possible partner. If a possible partner is older than that, you’d be understood to call them a cougar, or whatever the male equivalent is.
whatever the male equivalent is
Dirty Old Man
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Don’t you hate it when your 6 year old starts dating those people from the negative mirrorworld? No child of mine I say!
When your six year old starts dating people’s tentative plans to have a child
And a newborn should be dating nobody younger than seven, while also dating nobody older than yet to be born in 14 years 😛
Yeah 14 is fine. 6 year olds shouldn’t be dating anyone anyway
I guess this makes more sense.
I hope my kids don’t go to the same school that you did.
The rule is min: age/2+7, max: age*2-7, 36 -> min: 25, max: 65. 18 -> min 16, max 29.
The opposite of age/2+7 is (age-7)*2, not age*2-7. I.E. the min age for a 29-year-old would be 21, not 18, and the age whose min is 18, I.E. the max for an 18-year-old, would be 22.
Max dating age limit for 18yo is 22? That doesn’t sound right at all.
“Kids fresh out of high school should not be dating adults that have graduated college” sounds roughly right to me.
Seems fine. It would raise some eye brows but it’s literally the max acceptable.