I always get dry boogers and they’re impossible to remove when blowing into a tissue.
Are we still keeping up the farce that we don’t pick noses? It’s 2023, I think we can stop, and just be human.
Now, be clean about it, but just do it.
There’s a saying that everyone picks their noses, but what you do with it is a measure of your character.
It depends on the booger itself. If it’s a dry one, I just pinch it into a ball and flick it across the room. If it’s one of those wet, sticky, semi-solid ones, I rub it between my thumb and index finger until most of the moisture is removed and the booger is determined to be flickable without being a little bastard and just sticking to one of my nails.
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Yucky enough ? :-D
I can’t believe you would do that. 😬
The moisture has most of the flavour.
🎵 Pick it, lick it, roll it, flick it, show me how good you are 🎵
You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose.
Or my favorite variation: You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can’t wipe your friends on the underside of the car seat.
you clearly need better friends.
You cant roll your friends up into little green balls and fling em across the room.
(or)… but you can’t wipe your friends off on your saddle.
Frugal is a good character trait…
I flick them. In the trash can or out the window if in the car.
Pick it lick it roll it flick it
Now, be clean about it
Eat them, don’t wipe them. 😤
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It is theorised that there are health benefits, and we may have even evolved sweet mucous to encourage consumption!
Stop trying to normalize drinking your own urine Bear Gryls
Piss would eventually be toxic since you would accumulate the excess salts or other compounds your body is flushing out.
Run it through a solar still first.
I picked my nose immediately after reading the title.
I also picked your nose immediately after reading the title.
Appreciate you
There are boogers all over the bathroom wall. I get it, it’s a sawmill but Jesus it’s disgusting.
Get a mirror that doubles as a sort of magnifier to view the area around your nose closely & carefully. You’re looking for seams around the nose with which to gain leverage to gently pry off the nose to get better access to the nostrils within & beneath. Once the nose has been popped off your face, you can rinse both it and the exposed nostrils out with some warm water, which should get rid of the dry, compacted mucus.
You may want to take a soft, thin brush while you’re at this for a more thorough clean. Once both the removed nose and exposed nostrils are cleared to your satisfaction, realign your nose with the seams you found at the start and gently squeeze & press your nose to reconnect it with your face. A light splash of warm water and scrub should help reseal the nose to your face and make the seams less noticeable.
Hope this helps!
This guy nose everything
Look at Mister Nose It All
Good bot
Ah, thanks, those were our predecessors. We just go by people now. Appreciated all the same though!
Popped off your face as in… severed from your face? Is that possible?
Sorry, I think I may have timeslipped, I take it this isn’t the stream of advanced face prostheses, my bad!
Damn it. I’m just starting to get a cold and that would be REALLY useful.
Don’t worry, you can remove your nose today! As long as it is nog a requirement to put it back on, you should be fine for the foreseeable future
No worries!
Yes. Try it and report back.
Everyone know the the real method is to grab it between your pointer and middle knuckles like you’re knocking an arrow. Then give it a good yank, and if you do it to someone else, yell, “got your nose!”, as loud as you can.
Eat really spicy food
If picking works, why not pick them? Do it with a tissue if you’re squeamish or can’t wash your hands after.
Actually, wash your hands before you pick your nose to minimize the risk of infections, etc.
Maybe we should agree on before and after.
Do it in the shower. As a bonus, the moisture will also loosen up the booger to make it easier to remove.
Yeah, I do the vast majority of my nose cleaning in the shower. After I’ve been in there a bit, I generally just have to blow to get it well cleaned out and I don’t usually have to blow it the rest of the day unless I breathe in a lot of dust or I’m sick.
You should improve your blowing technique, just search “how to blow better”
Some business schools even offer courses to improve your blowing, in case you plan on getting a blow job
Here’s the socially acceptable solution, even in public: you pick it with a handkerchief on your finger.
Just pick them, and wash your hands before and after. Then put your boogers in a trashcan. I always wrap a piece of toilet paper around my finger when I pick my nose.
If it’s hard to get them by picking, I use pliers in front of a mirror and then put the boogers on a piece of tp which I then throw into the toilet or trash. (Remember that if you use pliers, you need to be careful so that you don’t stab yourself with them. Also wash your pliers before & after.)
Please tell me “pliers” is the term for “tweezers” outside the US.
Looks at the needle-nose pliers on the desk with trepidation
Needle nose? Those are child’s play. Use wire cutters to cut those bad boys out.
sometimes the only tool that gets the job done is the jaws of life
Yes, that’s what I meant.
If I may dare to ask, just how fucking tenacious are your boogers my friend? Pliers? Jesus fucking Christ!
I just keep a dedicated pair of pliers on a hook in the bathroom, thought this was normal?
Boogerpliers, right next to the poopknife.
They don’t know about the three seashells.
Nobody does. They just threw that into the movie just to make people guess. You can see that over 25 years later, is still works.
Next thing you’ll tell me is that the empower was naked!
The empower was naked.
Mind blown!
I wouldn’t put toilet paper up my nose - I don’t trust other toilet users to not touch the toilet roll and I don’t trust the room to not have fecal particles from lidless flushing on things. I don’t want tu put someone else’s poo up my nose.
I know it’s gross but is there a real health risk to inhaling fecal particles?
I think the risk is that possible micro abrasions would be exposed to fecal matter as opposed to inhalation
Well, perhaps it might be possible to catch some tummy bug from someone else, I don’t know, but you inhale the fecal particles when you flush anyway I suppose.
The lid stays down all the time (well, in between use) at our house, with the idea that you minimise the amount of fecal particles floating around your room. I know it doesn’t eliminate it, but I want to flush as much as possible of the poo and not inhale it, so I insist on the lid being closed.
I’m not claiming danger, I just don’t like the thought.
Don’t use TP up your nose for a different reason: TP is designed to disintegrate when wet. You end up with toilet paper chunks stuck up there.
I really hope this is a joke comment.
In public, excuse yourself to the bathroom.
Once in the bathroom. Wash your face. The water in your eyes will drain to you nostrils and dislodge any boogers. It also stimulates mucous production in the rear area of the nasal cavity, which further lubes and facilitates cleaning your nose. Proceed to blow nose over the sink then dry your face. You’ll have clean nasal cavities and a refreshed and cleaner appearance as a bonus.
Ffs just get a tissue and pick ur nose this is absurd
What if you’re wearing makeup?
I don’t know, pick your nose. I was just offering an alternative, there’s nothing wrong with picking your nose. I’m not your boss. You do whatever you chose to do.
Cat licks em out
I get everything out with my finger while in the shower. It goes down the drain, then I wash my hands and I’m done.
You don’t wash the rest of your body while you shower? What an animal.
Ok fine but snapping a stalactite off from the front of your brain is very satisfying.
Thanks, I’ll check it out. I’ve heard you’re not supposed to overuse it because it can make your nose more dry.
I’ve been using a saline spray daily for years, just the generic store brand, and haven’t noticed excessive dryness. But I do remember when I tried Nasonex that it made my nose bleed.
Also, do you use a saline spray before your nose is dry, or when your nose is dry?
I just use it every night after I shower before bed. Supposed to use it in the morning too but I skip that.
Thank you! I might grab one of these then.
With tears, usually.
Neti pot/nasal rinse bottle, twice a day on the recommendation of my asthma specialist.
This really does work.
It feels like waterboarding though.
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I came here for answers!
It’s not picking your nose if you do it in the bathroom with a tissue, you animals.