“No way to prevent this” says only planet where this regularly happens
Can’t have oil spills if you don’t have any oil
I haven’t forgotten how BP used chemicals to make all the oil just sink to the bottom of the gulf so people would forget what they did quicker. We don’t deserve this planet.
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While submerging the oil with dispersant may lessen exposure to marine life on the surface, it increases exposure for animals dwelling underwater, who may be harmed by toxicity of both dispersed oil and dispersant. Although dispersant reduces the amount of oil that lands ashore, it may allow faster, deeper penetration of oil into coastal terrain, where it is not easily biodegraded.
Sorry if I didn’t use the exact terminology you deemed appropriate. Either way I don’t find my description is incorrect. They used the dispersant to push the issue below the surface of the water.
Nice cherry picking.
Here, let me provide link, from the EPA:
“Dispersants can be applied on surface oil or below the surface, closer to an uncontrolled release of crude oil from a well blowout source. In an oil spill, these smaller oil droplets disperse into the water column where they are transported by currents and subjected to other natural processes such as dissolution and biodegradation.”
There are plenty of arguments against the use of dispersants, not the least of which is the toxicity of the dispersant itself. However there is a strong argument that supports it as the lesser of two evils.
People should have gone to jail over the BP spill. So many flagrant safety violations and illegal behavior were identified.
But you’ll never forget the “submerging of the oil”.
If you are going to virtue signal, at least base it off a real issue.
The issue that the dispersant was controversial at the time and the jury is still out on if it helped or hurt? I’m glad we agree. I find it really weird how hostile you are
My point was BP didn’t care if it helped or it hurt, they knew it would hide the oil with either outcome.
You are just another internet activist that has a very vague understanding of how shit works in real life and virtue signal for upvotes.
You could have said something like, “I will never forget the environmental catastrophe that BP caused.” and I would have upvoted and moved on.
But you spoke like you knew what the hell you were talking about and someone else is going to read it and be like, “Yeah, they submerged the oil, fuck BP!” and your little rant just added to the useless noise that drowns out real facts.
You are NOT helping.
Misinformation hurts, no matter why you do it.
Just go back to reddit if all you want is upvotes.
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Says the guy commenting on all my comments.
I’m getting downvotes, so how is this for clout?
You really are a special type of dumb.
I’d rather “virtue signal” over being an argumentative iamverysmart pedant. Now that’s something I wish stayed on Reddit and yet here you are. Have a nice life you miserable fuck
You make up shit and call me the pedant. Fine, I’ll be blunt.
You are a liar and you make the internet a worse place by filling it with noise.
Next time you want to comment, at least have the decency to know what the you are talking about.
hey I’ve seen this episode before
we’re sorry
Just so more people know, South Park was off the mark in their criticism of that. The “We’re Sorry” ad campaign was just a form of soft bribery so the media outlets would play softball with their coverage of the disaster.
oh god i forgot south park did a bit on this. i feel dirty now. was not meant to be a south park reference. just that this shit keeps happening
What’d ya mean you’ve seen it before it’s brand new!
Surely the oil executives will be held accountable for destroying everyone’s environment…right?
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I haven’t read the article but sometimes oil cracks out from the actual ocean floor, not valves, and is very hard to plug. Not sure if that’s the case here.
They do, it isn’t a million. The article is deliberate sensationalism. If you read the Coast Guard’s press releases, you will see they didn’t say a million gallons was leaked.
From the U.S. Coast Guard press release:
Initial engineering calculations indicate potential volume of crude oil that could have been released from the affected pipeline is 1.1 million gallons.
So yeah, no one can go out there with a bucket and measure it, but that’s probably a safe estimate.
So you don’t find it questionable that this happened a week ago yet the most they’ve found is a couple hundred gallons?
And all these sites that claim a million, in their headlines, all say lower in their stories that there is no actual measurement and that it is only potentially?
I feel it undermines the issue when people are dishonest. I consider these headlines to be dishonest.
I regret engaging that one idiot that claims dispersants were used by BP to submerge the oil so people can’t see it.
That’s the kind of disinformation and dishonesty that makes it so difficult to have real outcomes. All the noise drowns out the signal.
Just FYI, we don’t exactly know how much CO2 we’ve released, how many particles are in the atmosphere, how much water is in the ocean, etc. We use math and statistics to create estimates. They’ll have some amount of error, but it is not strange. In fact, acting like someone does know the quantity exactly would make me a lot more skeptical.
Also, don’t say “look at this thing…” and then when that exact thing proves you incorrect you just move the goal posts. That’s called a bad faith argument. Either you had faith in the USCG report or you didn’t. If you didn’t, don’t use it in your argument. If you did, you must accept what it says.
That’s just it, the USCG DIDN’T say the leak was a million gallons. They said it could be that much.
They know there was a leak and they know roughly how much oil the pipeline holds.
That’s it. That is all they said. The story headline said that the USCG said that much DID leak when they very specifically didn’t say that.
Where exactly did I move the goal posts? What was my bad faith argument?
You: If you read the Coast Guard’s press releases, you will see they didn’t say a million gallons was leaked.
Them: From the U.S. Coast Guard press release:
Initial engineering calculations indicate potential volume of crude oil that could have been released from the affected pipeline is 1.1 million gallons.
You: I regret engaging…
Potential does not equal actual.
Are you that incapable of thought?
They know there was a leak and they know how much the pipeline holds but they don’t know how much actually escaped.
The same press release you are quoting says, “The volume of discharged oil is currently unknown.”
But the headline says more than a million gallons of oil leaked into the gulf.
If you don’t understand how that is sensationalism, then you have more problems than this dumbass Internet argument.
I regret engaging because holy shit, so many of you are really fucking stupid.
Some things like this would benefit from being sensationalized though right? Would be better if a lot of people actually were pissed about this and that it would be over responded to.
I definitely hope it’s less than a million gallons, but whether it’s a million gallons or 300 thousand gallons or 500 this evokes much the exact same response from me. Just because it’s a horrid thing wasn’t an even more horrible thing doesn’t make either not a bad thing.
I think people just aren’t responding well because when you explain that it’s an estimate and could be lower that you might be trying to downplay the situation. Like it’s not 100 it’s actually 80 so no one should be mad kinda thing
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But didn’t you all see the commercial on TV promoting Oil and Natural gas as being amazing? This is a good thing right? /S
This is the company that put it out. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCdMonKP9K4crNcpdyd3Wcw
Here is an alternative Piped link(s):
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The inevitable sequel to “drill baby drill” entitled “spill baby spill” was not enjoyed as enthusiastically as the oil companies had hoped.
The other oil spills, the garbage, the global warming, the agricultural runoff, and the microplastics already killed >99% of them. So it’s quite possible there are not any more (Endangered Species) left in the entire ocean.
So yeah
allegedlyI mean potentiallyYay! We don’t have to care anymore!
And just like that. It suddenly wasn’t my problem anymore
Are you talking about the tiny microbes that nobody really cares about?
That reporter/editor should be fined or charged with this blatant bullshit.
“The U S. Coast Guard said Monday that an estimated 1.1 million gallons of crude oil has leaked into the Gulf…” and linked the actual press release in that line.
When you actually read the press release, and then lower in the article, it says the amount is actually unknown.
They know how much oil the pipeline holds, which would be around that estimate. It could only be a couple hundred gallons that have actually leaked.
Also they are not even sure where the leak is, so it might not even be the named company’s fault.
Yeah oil industry sucks, but this sounds like a fat nothing burger that CBS is pumping for clicks. No wonder no one trusts the media.
(This is a reposted comment from when this bullshit article was posted earlier)
The OP of this repost didn’t even have the decency to share the qualifications from inside the article.
They are just as terrible of an attention seeking whore as the writer of the article.
Ya the actual press release says up to 1.1 millions gallons could have been released with the actual amount unknown. The article is sensationalist, but it still sounds like it could be pretty bad, but we need to wait for more data to find out exactly how bad.
“The volume of discharged oil is currently unknown. The total pipeline length is 67 miles and was closed by MPOG at 6:30 a.m. on Thursday. Initial engineering calculations indicate potential volume of crude oil that could have been released from the affected pipeline is 1.1 million gallons.”
Also as a side note to understand how bad 1 million gallons is, the 2010 BP oil spill released 130 million gallons.
And if it’s unknown it could even be zero, right? Phew, nothing to worry about.
It is definitely not 0 and I would still be worried. I just don’t apreciate news that exagerates facts.
Somehow, I’m past getting big oil the benefit of the doubt.
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I don’t disagree with your sentiment.
I think it is bad enough though, without the news source twisting it for sensationalism.
*Edit. Hmm, I guess you people are ok with lies as long as they support the narrative you want. Is this suddenly a GoP sub?
Gotcha. Hey, how much oil has to be objectively confirmed to 7 significant figures before You’re concerned? How much is okay for you?
Doesn’t mean I’m going to lie about the amount to get clicks.
Let me ask you a similar question.
How much of a lie does it need to be before you are willing to call it a lie?
So you’re concerned with how much oil leaked? Does it matter? This shouldn’t be happening.
“I think it is bad enough though, without the news source twisting it for sensationalism.”
Are you stupid?
Sorry. I read your comment quickly and didn’t realize you were criticizing the original writer. I apologize.
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Is his criticism valid? If yes, then you being outraged is a weird move.
I wouldn’t have responded if I thought the criticism was valid.
I mean the criticism seemed pretty valid to me. The commentor was criticizing the writers and editors involved in writing the story, and the article’s claims are somewhat misleading. Checks out for me.
They weren’t criticizing you for posting it, though, so I don’t know why you seem to be taking it so personally.
I reread it. You’re right.
Nice gate keeping. Pretty sad that is the best you can do.
Gatekeeping from what? Watching LOTR for the 44th time?
Again? Isn’t this whole sea contaminated yet? What can possibly still be there?
For comparison, this is less than 1% of the deepwater horizon spill, and they’ve turned off the entire pipeline so there’s little danger of it increasing in size.
The danger, as the article says, is letting them continue to operate in the area. At what point do we say “okay we’ve nearly totally fucked this place up, find someplace else”
Ideally? Back in 2010 when BP made it clear they were systemically hiding critical safety and environmental control failures.
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The next best time is right now.
It may be too late to save humanity, but it’s never too late to do the right thing.
Any oil spill is terrible, but this article is blatant bullshit, written for clickbait.
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Comparing a bad thing to another bad thing that was larger doesn’t make the lesser not also still a bad thing. Not that you necessarily think that of course but some people use this as a defense quite often. “Like x person in history killed a million people but I only murdered one why are you so mad at me?!How am I bad!” haha
Turns out, building your entire economy and financial system on O&G causes problems for the environment, huh?
Username checks out.
Thanks. That was helpful.
Let’s fucking goo! Another one! A big boost for Any% world destruction Speedrun.