Hearing the movie is getting bad reviews. But Snyder says the director’s cut will be a completely different movie with a different vision. I admit Zack Snyder’s Justice League (director’s cut) was much better than the theatrical version and quite different (though I had mostly forgotten the original by then). Not sure if I should just watch this movie now or wait for the director’s cut for a better experience. Impression Blend on YouTube said it was ok.

  • @[email protected]
    831 year ago

    Snyder needs someone to tell him a movie should have both character development and a cohesive plot in at most 2 hrs.

    I’m done with him deferring blame for not being able to put together a clean narrative.

    • @[email protected]
      251 year ago

      Watched this over the Christmas break. The best review I had read from someone else was from a post on Lemmy that said something to the effect of “if you set up a TV to play 10 generic sci-fi movies and just changed the channel between them allrandomly you’d end up with a film as cohesive as Rebel Moon.”

      • @[email protected]OP
        11 year ago

        It gave me vibes of Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets but I suspect it won’t be anywhere near as good as that film sadly

  • @[email protected]
    351 year ago

    It was so bad that I’m curious if the director’s cut could possibly have any actual character development or story in it.

    • @[email protected]
      101 year ago

      When the leader of the rebellion died in the attempted heroic scene and everyone was distraught and shocked, I was just think “Why do I care? He’s said a couple of lines and been on screen for about 5 minutes…”

      • @[email protected]
        81 year ago

        I actually said this out loud too. Literally asked “why do I care?”

        I was already in a bad place though after the vagina wormhole.

      • @[email protected]
        71 year ago

        And you have a great general reknown for his strategic abilities stuck in a gun fight. Horrible story telling.

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        I don’t even understand how the characters even cared about each other. Even in the story it seems like they knew each other for like a couple days max.

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        5 minutes before he was clearly on his suicide mission I said, “I hope Ray Fishers character dies so he doesn’t have to be part of this garbage for part 2”

        Then he died in the most meaningless and rehashed way and I was glad for him.

  • Danileonis
    301 year ago

    The better experience is a film without Snyder. The Owls of Ga’Hoole is the only decent work in his (artistically) shitty career.

    • @[email protected]
      81 year ago

      300 is good if you interpret the story as the oral history of the fight by the only survivor to recruit more spartans for a hopeless but ultimately existential fight.

      • Danileonis
        1 year ago

        300 is one of the ugliest and most pretentious film of the century: pectorals made in computer graphics, pompous advertising shooter direction (which is in fact Snyder’s “cultural” background) and a completely idiotic use of slow motion like we’ve never seen before.

        I can partly agree with you if we talk about the graphic novel but I still regretted purchasing that comic, a pro-fascist and forgettable work.

  • @[email protected]
    281 year ago

    So I watched this last night. It is a pretty bad film, with the worst use of slow motion I think I have ever watched.

    It feels very rushed in its plot, and the fizzles out instead of ending with a bang. Very few action scenes feel good, from bad camera angles and slow motion that highlights all the wrong things. I would also describe the film as a collection of nobody’s, very little character growth and you spend almost the entire film playing Pokémon with them.

    I don’t recommend watching, and I would be surprised if a directors cut would make a difference.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I agree with all of this, the entire thing is inconsistent from the costuming for everybody to the accents to the slowmo to the character “development” to the sound effects for the lasers from guns to the world building with scifi and magic but also regular real world snow elk to the literal star wars shuttle crawl opening to blade runner but in the desert to the showing “good” characters because they’re against sexual assault who then never show up again to characters who get backstory in the last 35 minutes of the movie after having been with them for 2 hours, to characters motivations directly contracting themselves. So many scenes of faces just looking, no words, no help, just watching…

      The slowmo is so awful, from scenes that are inconsistent through themselves - full speed, 60%, 30%, back to 60%, move to the next scene *still at 60%. Later? Eh, these four action scenes just set a 70% slow. They are so exhausting it genuinely feels like a chore to sit through. Oh, but the final fight has no slowmo from what I can remember, so there is one scene at least that doesn’t have it. The first half of the spider fight was okay outside of the racist music. Mostly everything else is literally just slowmo movement/shooting and closeup faces.

      The movie is atrocious. I went into it with an open mind. I liked the self-indulgence for ZS:JL because it’s DC and it was a vision brought back from tragedy.

      This?? He couldn’t get it right the first time that is on him. This is likely the most unoriginal, most predictable thing I have ever seen and the fact that there is a four hour version for part one is sad. I have never felt such disdain watching something. And honestly, that 4 hour cut could simply be Jimmy getting 45 minutes frolicking in a field getting his horns, an extended griffon flight sequence and 4 more added fight scenes with 2 dialogue scenes. Boom, 4 hours. I wish I even felt like this was being facetious.

      I wanted to write a “the good” and “the bad” but… Genuinely, just watch James Gunns Suicide Squad instead. You’ll feel more emotion, get a deeper sense of the characters with actual fucking pacing, there’s actual set ups and payoffs that are meaningful instead of just… “Everything” and best of all you won’t have to sit through Rebel Moon. Oh, and if you want a sense of good use of slowmo, watch some of the Rocky movies, or Creed. As a slowmo comparison only, although thematically these movies are so much more impactful.

      On the other hand, don’t wait. Watch it now and just see exactly how terrible it is. Maybe get really stoned or really drunk, watch it with someone who is familiar with Star Wars and its homages and prepare yourself for the rejected Star Wars story ZS presented to GL.

      I’m not a hater, I’m not somebody who writes scathing reviews about movies because of stupid reasons, I generally like most movies even if they are bad. I generally like most things even if they’re mediocre and predictable, if it’s something done well it’s got merit.

      I cannot recommend this movie. After seeing it, I can’t even see why anyone would want to see what 2 more hours even holds. At least 40% - being very generous - at least 40% of it would just be slowmo. It seems to contribute absolutely nothing of value and has absolutely no point to any of the decisions being anything. The entire thing is pointless drivel and I can’t believe I ever thought it might be worth watching. I haven’t called out so many sequence of events in a row since The Eternals (which I liked) but none of them were even meaningful or interesting. It was stupid shit like “oh she has a rope and fell, time to get it around and knock him down”. All of the background fire lasers are individual streaks, there’s no differentiation of weapons but there’s apparently multiple different weapon pulse fire noises. Sounds of 3 and 5, but nope, all just individual bolts.

      And oh my gosh, the stupid fucking. The amount of talk about sex, that test where women talking about a romance and it failing? 15 minutes in, not even kidding. The main character apparently sleeps around, so does everybody the whole farm town is just an orgy. There is more talk about sex than plot in this movie.

      The plot by the way is runaway on a farm imperials appear and create an army after surviving an ambush and the heroes ride off into the sunset. And everything is A-OK.

      There’s no underlying theme. There’s no attempt at trying to make claims about philosophy. There’s no stitching of unique elements to create a fantasy world. It just babbles fake history at you and character repeat the fake history and we just get to accept that there’s random fantasy creatures in scifi space settings while we get philosophy babbled at us - it’s not positing ideas of making conversation with the audience, it’s just “my robot sentience is from magic and I feel bad”.

      So yeah. I’m conflicted. On one hand, I don’t think anyone should subject themselves to this. On the other hand, I think everyone needs to see this so that ZS never gets another job, or at least severely reduced creative input.

      Anyway. If you do watch it, I highly recommend Suicide Squad right after. Because for every deep chasm that you will find from Rebel Moon, this movie actually delivers something impactful. There is meaningful development. The conflict feels real and organic, not contrived. Even these ridiculous fantasy her- er, villains are more likable, relatable, and give you actual edge when they make a decision with actual consequences.

      All of Rocky including Creed is also a good contrast. I don’t even watch boxing.

  • @[email protected]
    211 year ago

    That “movie” was so awful I couldn’t watch more than an hour of it. I can’t imagine that extending it to three and a half hours will make it any better.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      Same lmao. In the middle I just called it and everyone in the room was totally fine with that decision

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        I was actually enjoying some of the world building and the story seemed like it was interesting if somewhat derivative, but when all the bad cliches and corny looking slo-mo gunfights started I just couldn’t take anymore.

    • @[email protected]
      121 year ago

      You should not watch it, it’s dreadfully boring. Just watch the trailer to see the big fancy world building cgi that is like a couple of shots.

    • @[email protected]
      81 year ago

      The final cut of a movie is often not the directors cut. The director gives the studio their cut, and then studio executives get to do what they want. Good execs with good directors know not to fuck with a good thing. But if the movie the director hands in stinks or if some bad audience previews get execs scared all kinds of things can happen

      Basically, this is why the idea of a directors cut even exists. Because what you see is rarely what the director handed in when they were done.

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        But this is streaming and Zach Snyder was hired on the premise that he delivers his vision. There is no studio jumping in to make cuts.

        Studios view the movie as a product. This process has a physical requirement to consume it of 2 hours. The point of cuts is to have more screenings in one room rather than hiring 2 rooms to show the movie. That studio integrity is met with frustration when they keep a movie as the director intended and the theater has 4 screening per day because it’s a 3 hour movie with 15 minutes between showings for cleaning.

        Movie theaters are also putting pressure on the studio for short movies because they want people to move through the theater. Movie theaters don’t care about what they show as long as it brings in bodies who will eat and drink concessions. The movies are the feed and people are the cattle to be processed as quickly as possible.

        The theaters want a shorter movie and the studio wants a shorter movie, so really the only person who can hold up the idea of a long movie is the director with the promise the movie will guarantee repeat viewings despite the smaller number of screenings. And Zach Snyder can’t make that promise.

        His movies are the narrative equivalent of a Michael Bay movie - except Bay has better narrative and understands how to build tension. Snyder is incapable of making a low budget movie about genuine people. He is only talented when picking the color of blaster shots. His characters are trash. His plots are boring. His camera work nearly incomprehensible. There is no amount of work he can do to make his original cut work because there is nothing of substance that was cut out.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          Streaming studios are still studios, and they act the exact same. Yes, there is a studio jumping in to make cuts. Of course they are. The man is saying there is a director’s cut.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            Usually I’d agree with you, but Snyder said in interviews that there weren’t any demands from the studio for cuts. He just wants to make an R rated version and Netflix likes the publicity from having a Snyder cut. It worked for DC, so they use it as an advertisement to generate buzz around the movie.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Batman v Superman also had a “Director’s Cut” in the form of the Ultimate Edition, with additional scenes/context that weren’t suitable for the theatrical release due to length. Now that one wasn’t a radically difference movie, but it seems to be a recurring struggle Snyder has lately.

  • @[email protected]
    101 year ago

    I don’t see any mention of the awful backstory monologueing. with all the other crap mentioned here, honestly just skip it. don’t even hope for directors cut to fix anything

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I mean it’s a movie. Who knows how you will enjoy it in the first place and who knows how a future version of the movie will turn out compared to the original?

    Unless it’s an obvious dumpster fire with 0% reviews go and see it for yourself and form your own opinion.

      • Sway
        51 year ago

        The current version is not a good movie at all. It’s a Stat Wars knockoff with a boring story and the visual effects that aren’t that great.

        I’ve read that Snyder claims the directors cut is completely different, it’ll be R-rated, extra violent, etc etc. I really don’t see how making it R-rated is going to fix the problems it has. I’m not much of a fan of Snyder though, so I guess you should take my opinion with a grain of salt.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        It’s just a setup for the second movie. Personally I enjoyed it but I came in with low expectations. I agree with others CG was weak and too much slow mo but w/e I want sci-fi.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        No it’s perfectly reasonable to ask for opinions, didn’t mean to sound harsh, just don’t rely too much on other people’s opinions.

        If I read 10 times that a movie has a specific issue then I will automatically look for this while watching and ruin my own experience.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      Save the farmers something something build up group of good time heroes something something betrayal something something palpatine pt2

  • ElPussyKangaroo
    61 year ago

    I’ll be honest, it was fine. Not as “bad” as I kept hearing.

    It’s meh. The VFX were good enough. The story needs tons of improvement. The visuals are definitely Snydery.

    I await the Snyder Cut.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Rounding out my viewing of this snooze fest, there is no way a directors cut can save this film, and certainly adding more time isn’t going to improve it. Dull characters, uninspired environments, generic spacecraft, I’m really struggling to understand how this much time and money can be invested into something so mediocre.

    • @[email protected]OP
      21 year ago

      I think Australians do the worst New Zealand accents and vice versa. So maybe closely related countries just don’t understand each other/their differences as much as vastly different countries in certain cases? In some ways it’s the other way around tho so idk.

  • H Ramus
    1 year ago

    It had more slow motion scenes than an Indian action movie. Shallow and cliché dialogue ripping off from the star wars universe. Snyder was plastered all over the credits. If this isn’t his cut then take the damn name off the credits. No matter how you cut it it’ll have the same actors, storyline, dialogue depth and in-your-face visuals. Snyder really is a subtle and sophisticated guy.