• FenrirIII
      81 year ago

      “By your powers combined, I am Captain Zionazi!”

      • @[email protected]
        71 year ago

        Buddy, the Holocaust was only 80 years ago. You’re going to get shit for that for many, many more years, and rightfully so. In as much as Israel has used the Holocaust as a pretext for apartheid and genocide, Palestinians are still paying the price of your original sin to this day. And now you’re supporting another genocide. Don’t want to be called Nazis? Stop being Nazis.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          A lot of assumptions you make there. But go on and live in a world where you think Germans are still Nazis if it makes you sleep better. I’m not in the mood of trying to reason with you about that and get into the necessary details. If you’re smart enough, you can take a deep dive into current and recent German society and politics yourself.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Germany is a disaster. The amount of state repression happening all around is insane. The police violence is insane. No people should end up in a hospital bed for going to a PEACEFUL protest and ending up getting pummeled by cops hitting them in the head or breaking their legs. Or peaceful activists getting stormed by police armed with automatic rifles in their homes because of their support for palestine.

    • @[email protected]
      -131 year ago

      German police are surely not angles and they need an independent control institution like in denmark. But to speak of “state repression” is a wild exaggeration.

      • @[email protected]
        161 year ago

        Then why are artists getting canceled left and right by the government for signing letters in support of a ceasefire? Why are university professors getting their job offers taken back because of the same thing? Why are cultural institutions getting their funding pulled by the government and end up having their existence put at risk because they host peaceful activists like “jewish voice for peace”? Why do peaceful protesters end up in hospital beds after getting attacked by the police? Why does the police storm PEACEFUL activists homes? Why are state owned banks closing down bank accounts of said activists? (Jewish voice for peace had their bank account frozen by Sparkasse Berlin) Why are getting peaceful protesters arrested for signs like “jews against genocide”?

        Where is the oversight? How is this not state repression? This whack is happening right under the state’s eyes and no one seems to do anything. It will surely be fun in a decade when the far right rules this country and they do the same thing without any oversight.

  • That is just absolute bullshit and lies.

    1. detainees are treated very well in germany
    2. there is no threat to free speech in germany whatsoever. Even russian Propaganda is allowed to continue.

    I have no idea why People are still posting aljazeera as a reliable and unbiased source. They’re framing at best and straight up misinforming at worst.

        • @[email protected]OP
          1 year ago

          Yeah, let’s trust Israelis, who claim Palestinians don’t even exist. That’s for sure not fake news /s

          By the way, those 1.5 million people killed in Iraq due to “weapons of mass destruction” were really not fake news /s

            • @[email protected]OP
              41 year ago

              Hehe. To be true, I gave up on the idea that media are telling the truth: Either they won’t tell because they don’t want, or they themselves don’t know better, or because they are not aware of their bias, or whatever reason.

              I see media now as lawyers.

              As in a court hearing, each presents the case of his clients (ther countries, their CEOs, their ideologies, whatever).

              The mission of the judge is to put the opposing lawyers in contradiction, and each lawyer has the right to contradict everything the other side says: contradict the witnesses, the framing, the questions, everything.

              Only then can the judge have a base to decide their mind.

              We, news consumers, ar the judges in this analogy: We have to read contradicting media (and I mean not CNN vs FOX, but Western vs non western), to have a minimal chance of expanding the picture and filter what makes sense or not, and see what each lawyer is hiding about his client.

              Only then we have a minimal chance of taking a well informed decision.

              • Hehe. To be true, I gave up on the idea that media are telling the truth: Either they won’t tell because they don’t want, or they themselves don’t know better, or because they are not aware of their bias, or whatever reason.

                That is just straight up wrong. And dangerous. You’re effectively saying that you willfully watch arabic Propaganda and don’t care. All that because you wrongfully believe that somehow other media aren’t unbiased?

                Even if we assume that Media is inherently flawed, aljazeera still is Propaganda that utilizes Framing to push a narrative. It doesn’t even TRY to be unbiased. But sure, go on ahead about “but other side bad too”

                • @[email protected]OP
                  11 year ago

                  Do you have any Arabic, Israeli (or at least Jewish) friends to compare what the press say so you know which one is lying?

                • @[email protected]OP
                  1 year ago

                  I have my suspections about Al Jazeera (for instance, they never point any mistake of Hamas, and other stuff they talk about some countries I know), but what they say matches well with stuff I know from people who live in Arabic countries.

                  Al Jazeera is a good source to get out of Israeli/Western press strong bias, which even pretends that history starts on 7th of October and hides the fact that Israel:

                  a) Killed 450 people in West Bank until October 6th

                  b) is committing the highest rate land robbery in West Bank since 1993.

                  I also read Times of Israel and Haaretz to get a broader picture

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          those beacons of free-speech are not biased in any way

          Tell me you have no arguments without telling me you have no arguments. Instead of addressing the critics and their points, you go on ad hominem attacks on your western superiority high horse instead because you have no arguments. Otherwise you would’ve addressed these “BS claims” already. Oh look at you how civilized you are in comparison to those barbarians, am I right?

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              Why should they have relations with Israel? Palestine is recognized by 140 UN member countries too and yet Germany or the US don’t have a diplomatic relationship with it. Should we stop listening to the US, the UK or Germany now? We should straight up stop posting anything about Palestine if it’s coming from BBC, DW, or whatever other publication with strong ties to the state because the countries they reside in and by which they are (fully or partially) owned don’t recognize Palestine.

    • @[email protected]OP
      121 year ago

      I remember Israeli government saying they found name of terrorists in a paper under a hospital, and when it got translated it was just the days of the week.

      Israeli propaganda can be detected even by a 10 year old.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      That’s straight up bullshit. I’ve seen countless videos over the last few months of arrests where people are literally pummeled by cops with fists to their heads (with metal gloves), or straight up covering their mouths from behind, or dragging and hitting pregnant women, and so on. Besides that Aljazeera has as much integrity as CNN. Not the best, but let’s not act like they’re RT News or Sputnik.

      • pummeled by cops with fists to their heads (with metal gloves),

        well, there your entire argument falls apart, because german Cops don’t have metal gloves. I invite you to prove to me and the world, that what the Article said is true, and german police mistreats detainees.

        Aljazeera has as much integrity as CNN

        lmao. You mean that aljazeera, that does no fact-checking, reports on rumours and hearsays, extensively uses framing and sometimes even disinformation to push a narrative is somehow comparable to CNN, a globally recognized News organization? this is so wrong on so many Levels. Aljazeera is at the best comparable to Fox News if anything.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          because german Cops don’t have metal gloves

          Plastic gloves, whatever. Hard gloves. You can see them on video. Getting hit in the face by those isn’t pleasant any other way. It’s also interesting how you don’t address any valid criticism at all but just try to do casual hasbara “explaining yourself around”

          and sometimes even disinformation to push a narrative is somehow comparable to CNN

          Lol, the same CNN that made IDF propaganda videos about the supposed “HAMAS CONTROL CENTER” and “Hamas using hospitals as fighting positions” where they filmed a backpack with a gun behind AN MRT MACHINE. And even the same CNN that back in the day lied about WMDs in Iraq. Yes, they are very, very comparable in integrity. Get off your high horse here

          • I invited you to show me proof in my Comment. Yet you didn’t show me any Proof, not even the Video you apparently have.

            So allow me to draw my conclusions: You don’t have any proof or Video to show. You are lying and wasting our time here.

            So please let me reiterate my Statement: The claims in aljazeera are false and it is spreading misinformation in order to push its own Agenda. Nobody should ever Link to it as a credible source for anything.

            • @[email protected]
              41 year ago

              Go check the other guy’s reply with videos of cops assaulting peaceful protesters. He replied to you specifically and you replied back, so there’s absolutely no chance you haven’t seen those videos.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      🎶weil sie Oury Jalloh gefesselt und angezündet haben🎶 They treat detainees so good that their warm Welcome Burns them to death