Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice-skate uphill.
loll such a cheesy line
If I don’t go up the hill how do I get to skate down it at blistering speeds?
I never understood how you should open such a box, but this seems like the way forward.
Still with a knife, but carefully. These labels really just mean ‘don’t come whining to us if you act like an orangutan and stab a knife through the box into the item inside’.
That does take away the fun of breaking the rules when you used a knife anyway, but you make a valid point. No orangutan near the box. Right. Does anyone have a chimpanzee I can borrow?
Just pull the tape?
With really long nails on your toes.
Tape splitter on your safety cutter
O ya
With controlled explosives
With your teeth 🐺
Snap it in half over your knee.
If it’s not taped incredibly well, you can pry it open. It’s hard if they actually used good tape and/or a lot of tape to close it.
Blunt instrument.
i just use a key, usually. it’s about the only suitable ‘tool’ that i nearly always have close-at-hand.
Goated movie. They don’t make them like that anymore.
“Not for consumption?” Don’t you tell me what to do, I’ll eat what I want!
Would a sling blade work?
@altima_neo @Carcharodonna
Mmm. It had to be done. It would keep challenging until it became too dangerous. Best to put it down now.