• atro_city
    17729 days ago

    Good. It’s about time people stopped treating the US flag with respect in western countries.

    • @[email protected]
      6129 days ago

      And in the US. The flag doesn’t deserve any respect as it’s a sign of oppression and Nazis. If I see anyone with a flag that’s not accompanied by a pride flag or something else liberal, I assume they are racist nationalists because that’s all it represents now.

      • @[email protected]
        2629 days ago

        I completely understand the feeling. After the 2022 “freedom convoys” the maple leaf became associated with similar kinds of people. Canada Day 2022 was not a day filled with patriotism. It slowly made its way back to normal over the next 2 years, but up until the last few months someone with a flag flying from their car window still gave off a particular negative vibe. Now it’s back and bigger than ever.

      • M137
        227 days ago

        The US flag has always been an icon of bad things, stupidity and ignorance.

    • Lukas Murch
      1428 days ago

      If we stop being shitty, the boos will stop. It’s not too hard to understand. I never thought we’d be this bad.

    • @[email protected]
      28 days ago

      It hasn’t been treated with respect for a while. First, the type of people to loudly fly it are usually doing so with performative patriotism. Or they’ll ignore the US Flag Code by wearing it as clothing, using it in advertisements and bedding, draped over vehicles, etc. They often fly it alongside the flag of Trump (who’s actively destroying our country with an unelected fascist), the flag of the traitors to our country (secessionist racists), the flag of supporting the successors to slave-catchers (police bullies with qualified immunity abusing the law), or even the flag of our literal enemies in the last World War (the Nazi swastika).

      What is a country beside land and words written on old paper long ago? It’s the people. Personally, I think we have a pretty great flag, but if you’re actively hurting people in the country and glad about it, you’re disrespecting this country more than anything you could do to its flag…

      • shastaxc
        -128 days ago

        Very rarely does anyone use the flag as clothing. Portraying it on clothing is allowed.

        • @[email protected]
          -127 days ago

          Are you kidding me!?

          There’s thousands of pages of American flag clothing!

          And I didn’t say “allowed”, just that the official US Flag Code prohibits it. But yeah, no one’s going to come arrest you…

          • shastaxc
            027 days ago

            Yeah that cape would not be allowed. The rest are just similar color and pattern. You think anything that uses the colors red, white, and blue is prohibited?

    • @[email protected]
      28 days ago

      Lol wut. Respect isnt the word to describe how people have responded to US symbols, since at least 40 years

      • atro_city
        928 days ago

        It is respectful not to boo when the US flag is shown. Western countries have been quite respectful in that regard. Countries bombed by the US or otherwise afflicted by US decisions however…

        • @[email protected]
          28 days ago

          Lol wut. People have burned the US flag in probably every country. Having respect for terrorists and the greatest threat to all life on earth is absurd

          • @[email protected]
            628 days ago

            Everybody is a terrorist to somebody.

            Get a large enough group of people, and you won’t find anything that at least one person doesn’t hate.

            • @[email protected]
              27 days ago

              Terrorist has a specific definition. Someone hated ghandi enough to murder him, but Ghandi was not a terrorist.

  • @[email protected]
    7729 days ago

    Good for y’all. A bunch of absolute dickheads were booing the Canadian anthem at a hockey game down here recently. Sorry you guys are forced to be our neighbors

      • @[email protected]
        828 days ago

        We’ve always known this. Look at all the houses with the flags in front. Look at the military parading everywhere and the jets flying overhead during sporting events. The country is the epitome of “little dick energy”.

        A weak person punches down and yet this is what America is doing.

    • @[email protected]
      29 days ago

      That was probably in response to us booing your anthem, we’ve been (rightfully) doing it at every hockey game I’ve seen since Trump’s first tarrif announcement. Fuck America.

      I’m sorry to all of you down there who didn’t vote for this shit. I hope you guys can make it through this, and try to fix things afterwards

      • @[email protected]
        29 days ago

        Thanks. I’m hoping we can, but also I’m hoping I can get tf out of here

        I’d say I want to go to Canada, but somehow yalls real estate market is worse than ours

  • @[email protected]
    6528 days ago

    We managed to piss off some of the most infamously nice people on the planet for no reason whatsoever.

    • @[email protected]
      3828 days ago

      Yep. As an American this hurts my heart, but I totally understand. The USA I grew up in is dead.

      • @[email protected]
        28 days ago

        Yeah, the US is dead. I don’t see a path forward from here for the US as an intact nation. Overall, that’s probably a good thing. I’m hopeful that the different US regions can just all peacefully agree to part on friendly terms. The only real strain point I see is California being like “so, we get to keep all the water in the Colorado river basin, right? Right?” But I really think we can work that out without bullets.

        • @[email protected]
          928 days ago

          While I agree with the general sentiment and am firmly in the camp of wishing for an amicable breakup, I just dont see the mass movement needed for a country to formally split. The prevailing public opinion seems to be that the country is in danger and needs saving, with each side having vastly different ideas of what that means.

          Personally, I foresee the US transitioning more akin to Rome. A Republic and then gradually an Empire. I think we are in that transition now. The republic is already dead in all but ritual and I think the goal of Trump/Elon/Republicans is to begin the phase out of those rituals so that the new Empire can stand.

          • @[email protected]
            28 days ago

            We have been a republic, and arguably we’ve been an empire in a republic’s clothing since the cold war. We’re speedrunning the mid-late imperial stage at this point where we stop pretending we’re still a republic (mid) and sell off the government’s administrative capacity for scrap and hand it all off to wealthy elites (late). That’s significant because along with the government blowing up it’s administrative capacity to hand it off to elites, it also destroys its legitimacy and opens the door for new, local governments to spring up. The cool thing about the US is that we already have pre-fabricated local governments ready to go, complete with their own state constitutions.

            • @[email protected]
              227 days ago

              Modern power is based on more than having a bunch of people carrying swords. It’s based on having the economic capacity to build more advanced fighters, tanks, ships and having some soldiers to work it all, while maintaining the infrastructure to advance the technology that all those toys use.

              The US didn’t crush USSR in the jungles of Vietnam. It crushed it in the kitchens and living rooms of Europe and much of the rest of the world.

              Now Trump is attacking the very source of the US’ strength. The US never needed to occupy any of their allies capitals, to put tanks on the streets of Toronto, Manchester or Munich. NATO countries (despite Kremlin talking points) willingly joined NATO. Now, Trump wants to destroy all that because he doesn’t understand it. A real estate developer of the worst kind.

              The real nail in the coffin is that about 1/3 of the people of the US are cheering him on right now. Another third don’t bother to vote. And Presidential authority is now akin to that of a monarch.

        • @[email protected]
          227 days ago

          The conflict isn’t state vs state, it’s not really urban vs rural. The population is mixed. There are tons of Trumpsters in California, tons of rabid Democrats in Florida or Alabama.

          I don’t think a geographic split would work.

          • @[email protected]
            127 days ago

            I disagree. The US is basically 14 geographic subregions being forced to all agree on how they’re all governed. Conservatives and Democrats aren’t monoliths, and I’ve known plenty of California (and for that matter, Georgia) republicans who move to Texas or Idaho thinking it’ll be political paradise for them and end up getting called woke pinko commie scum. I think as long as things fall apart with relatively little violence, a lot of folks will self-sort into the kind of regional government they want to live in.

            • @[email protected]
              27 days ago

              That’s not my experience. I have Trump hating family that retired in Florida, or work in Texas because that’s where their job is. I have raging southern “Trumpy Christian” family doing work in California or other liberal states.

              I’ve seen a lot of mixture in both.

              Moving is not easy. Opportunity doesn’t just pop up. And it doesn’t align with politics.

              Besides, underneath I think everything is really just a class war, and the giga-rich want to maintain the Republican vs. Democrat facade. So they won’t let everything split into regions.

      • @[email protected]
        1028 days ago

        Oh, I believe it. I’m just still amazed that we decided to piss off the people that are internationally famous for being polite for literally no sane reason at all.

        • @[email protected]
          28 days ago

          We are polite because if we weren’t our own society would crumble. We would kill one another. It isn’t as much politeness as it is a necessary respect for our fellow man.

          We are well known for being ruthless in battle. Not just WWI, we have a very colorful war history spanning up to modern day.

          Both our national sports are played at a speed and ferocity that is hard to rival. During gameplay in one of these sports, when someone is offended they are expected to fist fight over that offence. EXPECTED. They then get asked to “sit out” and cool down for a literal couple of minutes before they are permitted to rejoin the action. These games also often erupt into fights in the stands and parking lots not just between the players. Often between the parents of these players should the players themselves be at an age where they are not permitted to fight within the game. If it’s playoffs or a big game no one cares what you broke or what hurts. You lace em up and get the fuck out there. It’s important.

          “Just fuckin’ punch 'em in the mouth” is something we all get told by our parents as kids having to deal with bullies. I’ve also told my kids this. It works and we do it. Fuck the school suspension.

          We all own guns. We don’t use 'em like you do but we certainly know how and so do our kids. Our rural brethren are masters in the bush, mountains and oceans because we enjoy it.

          We have vast resources of young French Canadians who have travelled the world and learned all sorts of crazy skills no one else can manage just because they could. They’re athletic (reference: the French power gut, this category of Canadian also includes Acadian and Metis) and keen to fuck shit up. They’re like Australians, you find them everywhere you go. They party a lot. They’re friendly as shit and kinda goofy. But when they get pissed…they’re the real ones.

          We also tried to exterminate our natives and still do but they’re fuck off strong and resilient. They’re getting pissed too. You really really really don’t want that. Trust me on this one. You just don’t. Imagine the toughest person you know the. Times that by colonialism, religion, disease, sugar and an unshakable spirit. Also beyond athletic and revengeful.

          And many of us are not nationalistic. We would not be going into it for your country or our flag or our leader. We would be doing it for our families and neighbors and friends and people like us around the world who are over the bullshit. When you are fighting for that there is no beating it. Americas leaders could stand to have learned this numerous times in their past.

          Poor choice indeed.

  • @[email protected]
    2629 days ago

    The American anthem was booed at the OHL game I was at last weekend. I’m not sure why it’s played in the first place, my understanding is that we only play the American anthem when we play an American team in the NHL. The OHL is Ontario only. Maybe someone with some more knowledge can explain that part to me.

      • @[email protected]
        1629 days ago

        Ah, it was a Guelph vs Saginaw game. That makes sense thanks! I didn’t realize there was a few American teams.

      • @[email protected]
        328 days ago

        The OHL is farm teams for the NHL. Three of the players in the game had been drafted already.

        • @[email protected]
          928 days ago

          I was making a Shoresey reference as it’s the only context I have for Canadian minor league hockey.

            • @[email protected]
              28 days ago

              I just can’t with Letterkenny. I’ve tried. Maybe it’s because I was a big Trailer Park Boys fan, and for some reason I can’t stop my brain from making comparisons.

              But for whatever reason, Shoresey works for me.

        • @[email protected]
          428 days ago

          AHL and ECHL are the farm teams for NHL.

          OHL is major junior level in the CHL along with the QMJHL and WHL

  • @[email protected]
    2328 days ago

    I normally find this kind of thing petty, but there’s nothing normal about this mess… go Canada! Yay to the boo!

    • @[email protected]
      28 days ago

      Yeah, but Canadian beer sucks!

      Edit: it’s a reference from a movie called “Canadian Bacon”

      • Dogiedog64
        628 days ago

        Objectively false. Canadian beer, especially from BC, is some of the best on the planet.

        • @[email protected]
          28 days ago

          I’m Canadian/British and when I visited friends in Vienna we got drunk like every day. Anyways, one of those days there a beer festival and all of us had this one beer and we were like: this is obviously our favourite and we’d like to buy lots of it. They said, sorry you can’t buy it here, it was from BC. We were so upset, we were like “why did you even show up if you’re gonna just torment us like this!” Man, I really wish I wasn’t so drunk that I forgot the beer name. I swear I asked the nice person like five times and telling myself I’d remember, lol.

          I was living in London, UK for a long while and wasn’t planning on going back to Canada any time soon which is why I couldn’t just smugly taunt my friends.

  • @[email protected]
    2028 days ago

    Rick Hillier was also trying to encourage Canadians not to boo their closest neighbour’s anthem.

    Rick Hillier can fuck himself with a rusty pipe.

    • @[email protected]
      628 days ago

      We need more and more of it. We need every one of these clueless dipshits who didn’t vote. I have no hope for the magats. They are a lost cause.

    • @[email protected]
      327 days ago


      Boo us!

      I want united, seething hatred of us to permeate every bubble Americans are hiding themselves in.

  • @[email protected]
    1328 days ago

    I’m in the US, and this is the first thing my coworker said to me this morning lol. “Did you hear what happened this weekend?” I was like, good for them.

    • @[email protected]
      1829 days ago

      Binnington didn’t lose them the game, but he didn’t win them it either.

      That being said, you can’t expect to win only scoring once. They needed to get in front of the net for deflections or picking up a rebound. Instead, they kept trying to force passes through 3 or 4 players, turn over the puck, and get zero offensive zone time. It was so frustrating to watch.