I’ve used a towel style bath mat for decades, I think it’s the most hygenic. It goes on the floor to shower, then gets hung to dry between showers.

I lay floors and hadn’t seen a “permanent” bath mat in years but ran into one today. It was that typical shag rug style, bright pink. This was a clean house but it was strange to me, I didn’t think anyone used those anymore.

  • @[email protected]
    2618 days ago

    I read this headline and immediately raced into the bathroom to see what was up, but yeah, they’re still there. Everything seems fine.

  • @[email protected]
    2518 days ago

    My partner bought a diatomaceous earth bathmat to replace the rug in front of the shower. It’s like stepping onto a piece of cardboard, so zero points for luxury. It does catch and re-evaporate the water well, so full marks there. Humidity is naturally low here, so no I have little to no worries about mold.

  • @[email protected]
    1918 days ago

    It’s a literal towel on the floor, usually the last one used. Then after everyone has had their showers/baths, the floor towel goes into the wash and the towels used once by a person are hung to be used one more time.

    I do also have bath rugs but they also can go in the wash if they sit wet on the floor. But typically an actual towel to catch the actively wet drippings.

    • @[email protected]OP
      818 days ago

      Nice, recycling. I like the structured feeling of the floor mat towel but have definitely used yesterday’s towel when necessary.

    • kubok
      218 days ago

      This is the way. Also: my bathroom floor is heated for that extra bit of comfort in winter.

  • nafzib
    1818 days ago

    I have a few nice cushiony ones that are quite comfortable to stand on. They stay in use for quite a long time before I swap them out because they don’t get that dirty. Though I recently learned that may be because apparently some people don’t towel off in the shower first like I do, and instead just immediately step out after finishing their shower, dripping water all over the floor. Thankfully, these people do not live with me. Lol

  • SuiXi3D
    1418 days ago

    I’ve got dedicated bath mats that aren’t much more than a towel. They get washed when we wash our towels.

    • Cephiroth
      318 days ago

      This. You’re more likely to slip on a bath towel than an actual bath mat.

  • @[email protected]
    818 days ago

    Glad that you asked! I weave rag rugs from dead clothing and sheets. It goes Sheet > Rag for spills > Cleaning rag > Teared into strips for weaving. When I have a full bag, I weave a new rug, having fun with the colors on hand. I get 60cm*1m absorbent rugs for the bathroom or the mudroom. Some are so cute my kid preempts them for her bedroom. They’re resistant, thick, easy to wash, easy to discard when they get ratty.

  • Shimitar
    818 days ago

    Aaaand I read “your bath math situation”…

  • @[email protected]
    718 days ago

    We have those bathmats that are just mats without a rubber backing. The rubber backed ones tend to get really ratty and messed up in a dryer.

    The pure cloth ones tend to last longer, imo. And they don’t make your clothes smell like rubber. White ones work best, as they can be bleached as needed.

    • @[email protected]
      217 days ago

      I remember reading something a while ago that said the rubber backed mats should never go in the dryer, and while I forget the exact reason, it wasn’t just because the dryer damages the mat. Searching online, it looks like the rubber can also damage the dryer and poses an increased fire risk.

  • 2ugly2live
    718 days ago

    I have one of those stone bath mats. I’ve never like the plush ones, so I’d have a whole floor of this if I could.

  • Em Adespoton
    618 days ago

    I use a 100% cotton bath mat. About twice the thickness of a towel with a non-slip bottom. Gets hung to dry between showers. You can pick them up at Ikea for cheap.

  • @[email protected]
    18 days ago

    I do have a knotty shag looking bath mat, but it gets hung over the side of the tub after each shower and thrown in the wash with towels every week. It’s just a cheap thing from ikea, but matches my (more expensive) towels

    I used to have towel ones but a little cushion is better.

    I primarily look for no backing . While non-slip is certainly important, I prioritize something flexible enough to hang over the edge of the tub and that can be washed frequently without falling apart. I’m not sure what athletics people get up to that need the rubber backing anyway

  • @[email protected]
    518 days ago

    I just got one of those stone bath mats and it’s amazing. I always used to dry my feet especially and everything else in the shower. Now I just hop out and slop water all over it. It’s so cool

  • HotdogVision
    418 days ago

    Got a cheap one from (I think) IKEA. I prefer it as it catches most of the water when coming out of the shower. I know I can dry myself fully in the shower, but I find that’s cramped.