Hitler famously dismantled the German democracy in 53 days. We’re now 54 days into Trump’s presidency, and while he’s very close to achieving the same thing with the US republic, he hasn’t quite done it yet.
Hitler 1, Trump 0.
Almost 50% of the way there - even if he fails, who knows how much damage he’s done and how long it would take to repair…
I use this metric and it’s more like 72% of the way there.
Full-blow fascism can be achieved well before the whole of Project 2025 is put in place, apparently.
That’s a really neat dashboard - seems to be sentiment analysis?
I would say Pronect 2025 is more structure based, while that seems more national psyche based - but extremely important (probably can’t have one without the other… 😞)
It’s not sentimental: it attempts to measure the percentage of each of the 14 characteristics of fascism the United States meets, then combines them into a single “fascism completion” score.
Is it not using sentiment analysis to measure the percentage of each article?
Yes of course, an article is subjective to a large degree. What I meant was that the site tries to itemize all the issues so as to minimize the subjectivity.
He’s never been a graceful loser; don’t let your guard down
Yeah but in this case, I doubt he’d dare publicly defend his track record against that of Hitler.
…or would he?Well, I’m sure if Hitler had a famous horse cock he sure would
Hitler did have big hands so…
…the biggest, some say
Musk probably will, though.
Weimar Germany had lost its colonies and much of its foreign influence in a way the USA hasn’t. Biden’s regime was actively participating in a foreign genocide while continuing Trump’s border policies and continuing the decade plus war against factions in Yemen. Trump is trying to preserve that stuff (and the expand the prison industrial complex and stuff) so they aren’t able to choatically collapse everything quite as hard as they want to.
Run’s over, time to restart.
Paywall bypass of The Atlantic article OP linked to: