Wouldn’t many humans drive into such a wall too?
I read the article but not seen the video.
Wouldn’t many humans drive into such a wall too?
I read the article but not seen the video.
The cult leader will just tell them it is Biden’s fault.
The stocks are merely at pre-election levels and look like they have now stabilized unfortunately.
It didn’t halt, it was boosted. That is how insider trading works. Same with the yo-yo tariffs.
Paywall bypass of The Atlantic article OP linked to:
Hitler did have big hands so…
I don’t get it. We should not be early adopters of electric vehicles? The author may well be overcompensating for being a past Elon fanboi.
Love Betoota in general but they sometimes miss the mark.
Did any of them have stickers like “I bought this before Elon became a Nazi?”
My friend bought such a sticker for her car in Australia.
They just climbed today. Maybe Musk (via proxies) is buying while cheap because he has insider info that a subsidy is about to be handed to Tesla.
I suspect that is the point of the yoyo tariffs: insider trading.
Yes, Tesla stocks are merely back to pre-election levels. Looks like they will keep dropping though.
It is merely back to pre-election levels. However it does look like it will keep declining.
In this case, totally worth it because it is exposure without giving away the product itself for free (just like all advertising).
That is not what happens to artists and musicians when they get paid with exposure.
I did say “perhaps”.
The way art/music is made prrhaps becomes more important than the art/music.
There is much more uncharted territory there than in the final product now that most taboos are removed and even unskilled people have been able to realise visions from their bedroom.
Campbell’s got advertising and credit.
An artist and a muse. Same as it ever was.
AI could not have predicted that Andy’s work would be popular. AI would not have come up with it.
As a digital artist, you can produce time-lapse videos while AI cannot.
Perhaps process will become more important than product. In fact process is indeed where the progress is IMO (even in music).
Depriving live electronic musicians and DJ’s who are actually talented.
The reality is that the audience doesn’t care. If they knew how to detect the difference, they might but the music is only a small part of the overall clubbing experience anyhow despite being loud.
Reminds me of the way that many DJ’s do little more than press play. The “brand-name” of the “artist” becomes more important than the art.
If the public’s appreciation of art is dumbed down, then it is logical for art to be dumbed down too.
The instability is great for inside traders eg those who knew about the Whitehouse lawn stunt in advance. That was not a dead cat bounce, it was the stunt.
But the trend since the stunt has been stable enough.
I certainly will be looking at the graph each day rather than reading articles describing it.
Reminds me of how people laugh at the yo-yo tariffs, totally ignoring how insider trader buddies of Trump must love it. Is an overall economic decline going to bother them in comparison?