She literally called me at the time of the appointment to tell me she can’t see me. She was so apologetic, but was like “I absolutely can treat you, but I’m not allowed by your insurance”. Fuck this country.
Update: I went to urgent care. Before leaving home, I called to be sure they would accept my insurance (Aetna). They said yes… After arriving for my appointment, they told me they do not accept my insurance. I will simply leave without paying.
Final Update: I can understand that that differences in physical biology demand different attention. That’s not what I’m complaining about. It’s the way it’s set up. I was told that at my appointment. Why not just refer me to a specialist? The website could’ve even just referred me to urgent care (yes, my insurance requires a primary care physician’s referral for urgent care, according to the urgent care facility). But, no, their goal is to obfuscate and irritate until the patient gives you and pays out-of-pocket.
I was able to receive care at a cost I could not afford. I won’t discuss what I had to do to “find” the money to pay for care and prescriptions. That being said, the condition I was diagnosed with was more serious than a simple infection, and I’m glad that I saw a doctor. I need further treatment and just hope I can get insurance to cover any of it.
If you’re an American reading this, please consider ways to get involved in organizing in support of Medicare For All in your community. Here is one resource I have found. We don’t need to live like this. We deserve better. Stay safe and healthy, friends.
Sounds like discrimination based on sex. A clear violation of the Civil Rights act of 1964.
Car insurance companies are literally allowed to discriminate by sex and will openly tell you that they do so, why would health insurance be different?
Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits different treatment of insured persons on the basis of their sex in connection with pension funds. This was a supreme court ruling, so kind of linked but not quite.
Interestingly, in UK and EU it became illegal to discriminate by sex for car insurance from about 2012, without very careful use of data - which doesn’t happen. It is allowed to be linked on things like jobs though.
newsflash: US never cared about civil rights and despite it being “law” it gets regularly ignored on an institutional scale
It might be, but some health related coverage is legitimately divided along sex lines. I don’t know what the answer is, but it might not be so simple.
Stupid either way though.
Different genitals. But all genders have bladders so why the hell wouldn’t the insurance just cover it for everyone
That’s what I was thinking. Sounds illegal.
I think you’re just supposed to die now…
I don’t believe I can afford to, though. 😓
That’s more than mildly infuriating…
So a few things. This is a CVS minute-clinic visit, not a visit to a general provider. The minute clinics have contracts with insurance companies that look a bit different in terms of what and who they are permitted by the insurance companies to treat. There are some really odd variations in these contracts by insurance companies for reasons that are not always grounded in science.
This, as you’ve noted, is an unfortunate reality of a for-profit health care system that is dictated by private companies, insurance companies, and mind-bogglingly complex contracts that sit between providers and patients. The most annoying part IMO is that insurance companies provide zero transparency into these contracts and the justification behind decisions. It’s all “business decisions” at the end of the day, not decisions that are medically sound and in the best interest of the patient.
And for those wondering why OP maybe just didn’t go to a “regular doctor” - the U.S. has a horrible shortage of general practitioners (primary care) physicians. This shortage is worse in some areas than others. And even if you’re lucky to live in an area that has general practitioners, the waiting list to get into their practices might be long. This leaves many people relying on a “doc in the box” aka CVS Minute Clinic or some similar outfit. These doc in the box clinics often only have a nurse or nurse practitioner on site, with a supervising physician off side. They are for-profit entities and they work with the insurance companies to design their contracts to maximize profit.
If you ever find yourself in OP’s physician, one easy way to get around this is to indicate that the visit is for something more general, like abdominal pain or unexplained fever. While the staff still might refer you off to another provider, it might be a good way to at least “get in” with someone.
Another option is to visit a local urgent care clinic if one is available and covered by insurance. These are often staffed by actual physicians so they can treat a wider range of conditions. Many often even have testing facilities right on site for a number of issues.
Finally, another option is to call your insurance company and see if they have an over-the-phone nurse consultant available. They can usually help direct you to the right location for treatment based on your symptoms and insurance coverage.
But yes, OP, I agree with you that we need something better. Medicaid and Medicare have slowly been expanding and my hope is that they will eventually expand enough to cover all Americans. it has been proven that they can still operate without completely decimating the insurance industry (see Medicare and Medicaid managed care). While I don’t agree with for-profit health insurance, the reality is that they are a lobbying force that has to be worked with if we are going to get everyone universal coverage.
Source: Health policy professional by trade, extensive experience within the health care industry
How is the us a real place wtf?
Just ask yourself, could a rich person make money off of this? And it all falls into place. Over the last several decades the people of the United States have been increasingly treated like a mined resource.
And it’s not like we learn this stuff in school. It’s not written out anywhere. We have to rely on word of mouth, people with experience, or people like the commenter above you who are familiar with the ins and outs.
The bottom line is that it is complicated on purpose and designed to wear you out so you don’t get coverage for your most basic human needs - like peeing without your urethra being on fire.
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No sorry that is wrong. The need for profit and growth in profit absolutely pushes health insurance organizations to limit their costs, and denying service is routine, planned and not some mysterious accident.
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undefined> The real kicker is you’re wrong. It’s not designed that way. That’s just a happy accident of capitalism run amok. Almost no one involved in the system is an intentionally bad actor. Almost everyone wants to do the right, good thing.
That statement.,
Back in my day we always pee’d with our urethra on fire after we walked to school and back uphill both ways - and we liked it!
Back in my day we peed on each other around the fire and instead of school a man would come around the house and hit us over the head with an encyclopaedia for 6 hours in the hope we’d learn by osmosis, and we were happy to have that.
First world country which treats its citizens as third world, that’s what we live in. Follow the money, because if something isn’t making money for someone, then we don’t get it.
A lot, and I do mean it, of third-world countries have better access to medical care and universal healthcare than the US.
thats what you get for having a penis.
Or being born American.
smh should have known better
The grass is the same color everywhere.
There’s grass where you at? I wouldn’t know. Ain’t no grass around here.
Are you sure this isn’t just a CVS thing? It says the same thing for me and I know my insurance covers UTIs for everyone. Maybe try an urgent care?
This is correct… there is 2 things to remember here
- CVS only has nurse practitioners, nurses, or pharmacists that are doing the screening, and must refer for certain cases
- There are 2 types of UTIs….
- complicated and uncomplicated
- Men ALWAYS have a complicated uti due to the anatomy of where the uti is located
- women can have either, these NPs are only allowed to treat UNCOMPLICATED UTIS and must refer all complicated cases to a physician.
FYI it has nothing to do with insurance
Are the people in the comments bots or real people? It’s too good to be true that so many people have switched to Lemmy!!
Everyone on Lemmy is a bot except you.
I checked and am definitely a robot.
We are the robots
We are bots😃
I’m living in Turkey. All health care is free.
but if you live in turkey you get hate for being gay
You get that in the US too, so what’s the difference?
true that
Unless you are unemployed. Then you have to pay the unemployed tax (GSS) whether you use the healthcare services or not.
That sounds so fucking stupid
You’re unemployed so pay us money you can’t recoup until we make you homeless
That sounds expensive. So when you don’t have an income source they charge you a tax for it?
It makes sense if you think about it (assuming my thoughts are correct, I’m in the US). If you’re employed, you are contributing through your taxes. Just because you’re unemployed, it doesn’t mean your contributions pause. Now, should they? That’s a good question, but the current implementation makes sense. I imagine it does incentivize people to look for employment.
No. No, it does not. A poor tax makes no sense.
We can discuss where the money comes from, but the idea isn’t pie-in-the-sky wild. I don’t disagree with you.
The entirely of modern America could be summarized with “Mildly Infiruating”, tbh.
It is utterly baffling to me how the US has not figured out nationalized healthcare. Literally every other developped nation in the western hemisphere has at this point.
Its crazy that a politician could come out and say “my number one priority is to ensure that every American has access to healthcare, paid for by the state”, and would instantly be villified by like half the country.
The covid national emergency is declared over. Potentially up to 15 million people will lose Medicaid expansion. Florida already kicked off 600,000 people. An 87 year old who had a daily care taker lost access even though they were qualified after the cut. A 7 year old boy will now die because they took access to his leukemia treatment. About half the people still qualify but they are making everyone reapply.
My dad some how affords stupidly expensive healthcare. Premiums are $4,000 a month. ER copay is $1000. ER deductible is $18,400 per family. My mom is now on a medication that costs $1400 a day. With other meds her medication is $15,800 a month for the rest of her life (she is 59). With insurance it goes down to $28 She has had $100,000 in medical bills. She has some super rare condition. Our insurance said one of the out of network doctors was covered. My mom verified multiple times. Now they don’t want to cover that doctor so we are stuck with a $25,000 medical bill. My mom says she will put it on the lowest amount a month for the rest of her life.
In other words if my dad couldn’t afford this insurance she probably would be dead now or in a few months.
Crazy is that we are all Canadian and if we lived there we could go on OHIP plus extra insurance for a few hundred bucks a month. For those who say Canadian’s have wait times, so do we. The difference is you will be seen and will not go medically bankrupt or denied care because you are too poor.
The excuse is that Canadians come to America for better doctors with lower wait times. They do. But when you realize they come to the States they don’t have long term insurance. Meaning they pay out of pocket. So it’s wealthy Canadians that can afford insanely high prices.
All my family in Canada says my father is pissing away money. He is.
God Bless American Healthcare! /s
TLDR Doug Ford can sod off and go to hell.
Because the healthcare industry makes money. A shitload of money. Why would they “fix” that? The problem is the fact that it is an industry.
A handful of bastards at the top are making unfathomable amounts of wealth at the cost of the lives and future of the country. A majority of the country is in support of nationalizing health care. I’ve even met conservatives who agree. It’s these sick fucking parasites who won’t allow us to have it.
All the fuckers writing the laws have socialized healthcare. It’s the untouchables who don’t.
That moment when it’s better to live in Russia than in US…
There are 0 objectively good reasons to live in Russia.
I’m pretty sure this is one of them…
That is a fully incorrect statement. Just because objectively its better to live in US than Russia at this moment, does not mean that there is 0 good reasons to live in Russia. Stop thinking in extremes, every place has pros and cons, its just that some places have a lot more cons than pros.
You are presuming that it is a UTI and and coding it wrong for insurance purposes. Do a visit for something more generalized that is covered like abdominal pain and doctor will know how to code it properly for insurance.
I’m never paying into health insurance in the US again, fucking scam of a shit system.
But what other choice do you have? (I am not from the US)
If you’re from the US, I think the alternative options are to 1. die, 2. pay smaller things out of pocket, go bankrupt on larger ones 3. try to get citizenship in a better country
For bigger ones you can come to India, get treated at world class hospitals at less than third the cost and make a picnic of it.
Should have just said that you identify as a woman, probably solved. /S
But in all seriousness that’s just terrible. Everyone no matter if your a man or woman should be treated equally.
These days that might legally even go through in some states lol
The most developed country in the world ladies and gentlemen.
I hope they don’t catch you op.
I had one a while back and it was literally just a round of antibiotics. It’s not some invasive, complicated procedure that only affects women. That insurance is stupid.