The only brave man in that room was zelensky.
The only brave man in that room was zelensky.
Why dont you like containers?
Best thing I read on internet today, thanks
I’m curious if they’re gonna start pulling out of our stock market
This assumes the people in the red States would see the chain of causation, which is unlikely.
It will create an enemy out of the taxing countries. I dont have a better idea but at this point his base will never turn from him.
I’d take that deal.
I’d be interested in ditching Discord, anything you recommend?
I’ve got a lot of reasons: climate, personal finance, america (country where I live) seems a little unwell, mental health, lack of commitment (I think one should be pretty sure and I’m not).
Came close once with a relationship where my partner changed their mind and wanted kids and tried to convince me for a year. We parted ways over it.
Got a vasectomy last year. If I want them later on I’ll adopt or foster.
Check out the bodyweight fitness subreddit if you want bodyweight stuff. Their wiki and the r/fitness wiki is really good.
I had good success running their recommended program as a beginner and also when traveling.
Ah gotcha thanks. I thought you were referencing a contribution limit workaround
What’s the workaround?
Gives me hope about a visa thanks for the response
Are you a citizen in Norway? Asking because that sounds nice
It’s all biased but since I haven’t seen it mentioned I like tangle. It comes as an email
I have a weird optimism that grassroots tech might make a comeback after everything enshitifies. I got on here 6 months ago and it was so refreshing.
I really wish we had politicians with integrity. I think I could grab a random person off the street and have better odds of them being a good person.
I’m not sure that vaping inside is better than smoking outside. You’re right about it being more pleasant and likely right about it being healthier, do you know of any research comparing second hand smoke on clothes to second hand vape (comparing smoking outside to vaping inside)
I did, not sure it made it easier though. It took away two negatives for smoking for me, it didn’t smell bad to others and I could smoke inside.
If anything it made it harder to quit, but they’re supposedly much better for you
What do you think would help overcome that obstacle to unionization?
Might have been a good cameraman back there