Accidentally nailed it.
Accidentally nailed it.
Ugh, yeah, I fought aurocorrect over it and lost in the end it looks like. Got it fixed up now.
Alibaba in some ways.
Nasreddin Hoca is the most popular Turkish folk hero
Anansi the Spider is a great trickster folklore character from the Akan in Ghana. I loved these stories as a kid and had a great book on tape.
Can’t go wrong with this list:
Their products will fail and they will learn. This is likely people who do not know English very well seeking to use AI to automatically name their products for them. Not a terrible application for AI, but certainly shouldn’t be fully automated with no editorial oversight.
To build on this, it would be accurate to say that Anarchy is the principle upon which the technologies of Anarchism are built. Rather than a political system, which inherently function through obligation of participation or subjugation, the technologies of anarchism are participatory. That is to say anarchism provides methodologies of engagement between individuals and groups to achieve outcomes without obligation or subjugation which are imposed by the system, replacing those attributes of hierarchy instead with consent, participation, and consensus which are fundamentally voluntary and opt-in in nature.
Another way to say this is that Political Systems are means by which a group forces rules upon individuals, while Anarchism is a set of methods by which individuals can perform actions as groups.
Follow this simple rule for clarity, replace the names and ethnic background of the parties in question with A and B, acknowledge that A and B have historical conflict and are distinct ethnic groups but set aside their cultural characteristics and specifics. Now take the actions of A towards B and compare them to historical examples. Under jurisprudence there can be no a priori exoneration of any group due to historical factors, actors must be judged solely on their actions.
The ICC follows “The definition contained in Article II of the Convention describes genocide as a crime committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, in whole or in part. It does not include political groups or so called “cultural genocide”.” And Israel is walking a fine line at the moment by claiming that they are exterminating a political group “Hamas” but their actions towards the civilian population will determine their guilt or innocence in the eyes of history and the international community. The ICC’s job is to collect all the facts that we civilians can not, and make a determination based on those facts. If you believe Israel is innocent, you should not worry as the facts will clearly exonerate them and so will history be written.
Maybe a Swiss Franc or Japanese Yen peg might suit them better, if they could buy enough volume.
Vaselgel is too cheap to manufacture to get the funding it needs to bring it to market, that’s why they have been trying for 20 years and haven’t succeeded yet. In the US the rights are owned by a non profit Parsemu Foundation formed to fund it. It looks like their private partner NEXT Life Sciences is actually set to come to market with a vaselgel product in 2026 they are calling Plan A.
Interesting marketing choice comparing it to the Plan B pill.
I’m not saying I won’t be buying real estate in San Francisco, Magic The Gathering cards, and shares in big tech, but a solid backbone of 1000x value bitcoin is hard to beat on multiples.
Actually bitcoin on a physical harddrive purchased at $50 or below stored in a safety deposit box is pretty ironclad.
Red pill all the way. Personal experience gains to be had. Also of course there is the prospect of crypto billionairedom.
Bring in the military to feed my kids some vegetables.
That is the definition of an authoritarian position.
Maybe Atlantis? Also maybe the fremen parts of Dune, though that again is more primitivist in some respects.
I’d say overall Solarpunk still lacks its cornerstone film.
Nausicaa is more solar/windpunk than Princess Mononoke, which is more primitivist.
Reagan cut taxes while increasing spending, despite talking like his goal was to reduce government excess. As a result, the national debt increase for the first time since WWII and has not stopped in that trend since then.
In some sense Waterworld qualifies.
Also Cloud Atlas in some of the settings, though a bit more primitivist
Nows your chance to upgrade to a hardwood board with no maintenance requirements. Eliminate strife on both ends.
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Copyright issues aside, can we talk about how this implies accurate recall of an image from a never before achievable data compression ratio? If these models can actually recall the images they have been fed this could be a quantum leap in compression technology.