Time to harvest its succulent body meat from within its carapace
Time to harvest its succulent body meat from within its carapace
This guy is gonna be the whole world’s problem until we collectively shun him into Russia or something.
That ssntenx scra.med mynbrain thogs
My grandfather drove a truck for the Finnish Army in WWII and helped drive them out of the country.
About $60 CAD per month for talk/text with 50GB data which is average for here
A Pixel 8 on contract was free for me if I commit three years with my provider. I think I will get seven years support from GOS which is a worthy enough lifespan for an everyday smartphone
Chuds will exacerbate the bird flu by engaging in every unnecessary behavior that can cause transmission just because somebody informs them not to.
God forbid a little girl who isn’t pure white ever feel represented by the media she consumes.
A characteristic of these ghouls is that they all grotesque mouth shapes. The shape of their mouth on their face is just objectively ugly somehow.
The problem fundamentally is that the Russian people crave autocracy, maybe not on an individual level but certainly on a collective level.
Rural, uneducated, poor, hyperreligious, xenophobic bumpkins are always the foundation of support for every single autocrat in the last century.
He misspelled the magic word that grants immunity from laws. Also his license plate has the wrong color border to supercede State Troopers authority over his vehicle.
Irrespective of his merit or accomplisments as PM its clear the party needs a rebranding and there is only one pathway forward in that regard. .
Prince Andrew would side with Putin if he got to rule the UK as a vassal state.
Had he simply been royal dead weight it would have been less detrimental than his chosen trajectory.
Also the vetting process is important. We need young healthy educated modern immigrants, not elderly nationalistic bumpkins with antiquated social mores. Look at the health issues associated with Pakistani cousin marriage. Certainly importing people from specific regions with widespread social issues should be curtailed or avoided
It is possible to be economically and socially left but still have issues with migration making problems.
Shoehorning progressives into uncomfortable stances isn’t the way either
What a hamfisted attempt to make a non-existant point.
The left in Europe and across the world needs to get stricter and more restrictive towards immigration or else they will just open the door to mainstreaming the far-right.
Google is reaching the enshittification stage where corporate rot takes over. However due to the size and scale of the company it will continue to move forward like one of those insects that has had its agency taken over by the parasites that it is carrying around inside it.
Cybertruck = Homer car