Throw some blues in there and baby, you got a stew going.
Throw some blues in there and baby, you got a stew going.
Same as it ever was.
They want to rule, not participate. Same as it ever was.
Never go bud to mouth.
I know right?! And another 40 as well in Gaza.
You spelled ruin wrong.
The queen’s gambit. Once per game, the queen, who had been disguised as a pawn up until then, reveals her true self. A queen and a pawn may swap places.
This also means it’s possible to get a pawn to the opponent’s home row by turn 4, thus gaining a second queen.
Isn’t the king’s special move also castling?
We are mad and we’re getting madder. We just haven’t hit the fever pitch yet. There hasn’t been a catalyst.
But eventually there will be one and we’ll be able to coalesce around it. Seems like Moscow Musk is starting to be the foil, but so could a number of other things: egg prices, bid flu, new Hoovervilles. Something will make it happen.
Now is the time to plan and prepare.
How does this not curdle?
You laugh, but this actually kinda worked for 1980s Brazil.
I have some engineering concerns.
For one, reducing the turbulence area and increasing the air intake at that angle is going to create a vortex near the intake. This could lead to dangerous cavitation and knocking effects. It likely will require splitting the powertrain into two chambers by an internal membrane. My suggestion is somewhere near the Mason carpetbagger and the Dixon scalawag.
For two, I think that was genius what you’ve done with the reduction of the diffuser, thus minimizing drag. But where, my friend, do you plan to dispose of all the waste products? We don’t want those infecting the rest of the machine, and I think it’s disingenuous to think we can just empty those right out into the environment, particularly when said waste products don’t believe in said environment.
Yes. For one, Israel had already started on their zone idea. For two, Blinken was advocating for a two state solution because that was one of the requirements for Saudi Arabia to establish ties with Israel.
I can’t imagine the Middle East is going to be content with this occupation, especially if it leads to a new trail of tears.
Been a good long while since we’ve had a crusade. Y’all still got yer hats?
Do you want nationalism? Because that seems like a good way to get it.
Keep trying to will those thoughts into existence…may work out for you and your party one day.
This is factually untrue. At the end of the Trump era, China had thought they had the upper hand on the global stage, but we have put into place more stoppages around the world. So much so that Blinken said on The Interview the other day that whenever he and the Chinese ambassador meet, the ambassador starts off by complaining for 30 minutes on how the West has railroaded their plans.
He also put it eloquently, that whenever parties from other nations come together, there’s always a seat at the table available for America. They want to know our position.
Just like our union of states, it is essential that the West remain a union of nations. If we do not, then divide and conquer could absolutely mean our decline.
Coincidentally, I was on my bike the other day in just kind of a funk. And I was sitting there with a sourpuss mug thinking how no one ever smiles on the greenway anymore, particularly in bigger cities.
And then just like clockwork, as soon as I finished my thought, a guy who I never would have predicted looked over at me with a beaming bright smile. It changed my whole day.
There are still a lot of us around these parts that strive to be kind and generous, it’s just that kindness and generosity doesn’t sell a lot of newspapers.
Sure, buy the 50 lbs of honey now. Convert it to mead. Profit.