Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau taunted Donald Trump after Canada defeated the United States 3-2 in overtime in the 4 Nations ice hockey competition in Boston.
Trudeau’s viral post, “You can’t take our country – and you can’t take our game,” came amid ongoing tensions between the leaders.
Trump, who previously mocked Trudeau as “Governor Trudeau” and floated annexing Canada, had earlier imposed tariffs on Canadian produce.
Amid boos of the American anthem and a surge in Canadian nationalism, the rivalry highlights both political and sporting divisions between the nations.
It’s an alright response but I’d hope for some more Canadian made chirping. Next time he should just shout:
Eh? Give your fucking balls a tug.
Fuck you Shoresey
My only regret is not serving my country and I think about it every time I go to war with your mom’s ass
“Fuck you Reilly, I made your mum so wet that Trudeau deployed a 24 hour infantry unit to stack sandbags around my bed”
Shoresy 😊
Like trump can find his balls, they’re loose in Musk’s mouth
I suggest he lets that one marinate!
Marinate? Or do they literally say marinade? 😆
Nah, it was late and i chose the wrong dictionary suggestion 😁
Haha alright ✨ Wouldn’t be surprised if they did say marinade!
I was going to say Trudeau should call him “vice president trump” to point out how subservient he is to musk but… I guess that is why there is the “governor” rhetoric. Like always, it is fascists projecting. trump might only be a VP in his own admin but that is still better than a governor and all that stupidity.
“Special Advisor to Mr. Musk” or “Assistant to the Assistant to President Trump”
Trump is Putin’s apprentice, invested-in for decades, as The Kremlin Papers identified.
Currently Trump is beta to both Putin & Musk, … however … brains change, sometimes gradually, & sometimes suddenly.
I’m betting that Trump will break-through-a-barrier in his brain’s function, converting him to his needed psychopathy, this-year, if not this-late-winter-or-spring.
I’m not certain that Musk will like being truly-beta to Trump, when that happens, though…
it’s us who would be more-jeapordized, however, by that personality-punctuation…
( there are actual fMRI image-sequences of multiple-personality-disorder patients switching-between-personalities, showing the change-in-brain-energization, now in our scientific record. )
Presuming that “status quo” isn’t going to be disrupted is exactly the sort of belief that knifed the Dems in the US, in their back.
Presuming that the current-personality-of-Trump is going to remain unchanged, given the ferrocious forces acting on that poor brain, seems to me, a brain-injury survivor, who has massively altered the function of this brain…
( I spent literally years much-of-the-time catatonic, in the late 1980’s & very-early 1990’s )…
to be incompetent: normal-people just don’t understand how-greatly a brain can change, in short duration, or long…
Even if it was caused by an aneurism/stroke, would his cult permit him to be removed-from-power??
Not a chance, so long as he remained alive.
So, if he loses his mirror-neuron-system, becoming incapable of any empathy, whatsoever, in such a brain-change,
…would that change the rules of ( the nature of ) “who” is governing the US?
But what it wouldn’t do, is get the then-psychopath removed from power.
THAT is the threat we’re currently under, even-though nobody else on this world considers this to be a real-threat…
So, I place my imaginary-dime ( the only thing I bet, ever: no material-gain/loss, ever, & only imagine the physically-tiniest-coin: keep it from being the gambling that people get their lives sucked-into ) on it happening, & all the world places their bet on it not-happening.
( this also identifies that it is the role which ought be protected, & if a person’s personality changes enough, or if they get caught being corrupt, then they HAVE TO be removed from the role, but NONE of the political-party rigged governments hold to this standard!
Because they aren’t in it for the benefits of our countries: they only want their-own rule! )
I was absolutely-right about him openly becoming a Putin-ally, about there being “the Caucasian Serpent” ( 1 of the 3 empires prophecied in the Christian’s bible, in the end-times ), & I’m betting that I’m right on this point, too.
Hopefully I’m wrong!
Wouldn’t the world be better if I always was?
Certainly establishment’s-beliefs would be more comfortable…
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Would have been a better win without that trump supporting trashbag Gretzky being involved
He was also at the trump inauguration party wearing a maga hat
Fuckin hell what a tool.
We used to think so highly of him when we were kids.
Money can do that
I hope trump grabs janet by the pussy in front of gretz! Gretzky is a fucking disgrace to Canada! Fuck that loser!
He’s changed, then…
He used to be Canadian!
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Didn’t tell Jonesy and Reiley. Ferda.
More leaders should taunt Trump, his toddler responses will make him more unpopular.
I happen to believe his toddler responses are what makes him popular.
It’s only sad if you think about it.
I would’ve thought that would be more aimed towards his own people, as patriotism. Not necessarily a taunt. But. You know. Both are also good.
Is this supposed to be our response to Trump’s threats? Can’t say it instills much confidence, or any actually.
I want to understand your point. What are you being critical of with your comment? It’s not clear.
He want boom boom
Honestly probably not a good idea. Trump is petty and vindictive.
It’s plays excellently for the domestic audience, and making Trump stop being mean was never an option.
So far, I haven’t heard any response at all from Trump.
He won’t acknowledge it because that would be admitting that his side lost
Trudeau is retiring, it doesn’t matter. And you need Trump to be vindictive in 12 hours or it won’t happen? Seriously?
And you need Trump to be vindictive in 12 hours or it won’t happen?
Knowing Trump, yeah, probably.
Jeez we have rolling 30 day delays in tariff wars. Trump is stupid in lots of ways but you/he doesn’t lose sight of being slighted that quickly. How long was it between Obama mocking him at the dinner and him running for president? Lot more than 12 hours.
I see little chance that was the only reason for running, and the people he doesn’t like tend to slight him a lot - far more than he could keep track of even if he was intellectually normal. By all appearances, the input -> brain -> shitpost/order chain on the guy is very short and fast.
He could have fired back and said “now it’s 50%”, I guess. It’s also possible someone will remind him. Either way, I don’t think it will resonate as a huge mistake a year from now.
Being offended is not quickly forgotten. Ever hear the phrase “it’s not what you say, it’s how you make people feel”? That’s because emotions are held for a loonngg time. Next time tariffs come up it’s just a feeling of “Trudeau’s an asshole, fuck him and Canada”.
Don’t forget, he already hates Trudeau, and probably won’t love his successor either.
No one threatens the sovereignty of another nation in a credible way and gets away with it. Pushback is necessary.
You gain nothing from bowing down to or fearing fascists. They should be openly mocked for the weak, cowardly fuckstains they are.
Simply not saying anything isn’t bowing down. Trump is one bad night’s sleep from literally invading Canada.
Further, wounded-narcissism is the primary-motivation behind being a mass-shooter.
Increasing the wounded-narcissism is petty.
It “solves” the wrong problem.
Trudeau proved that he didn’t understand tactics when the counter-tarrifs he put against the US in the last Trump-trade-war were damaging Democrat regions, instead of only tarriffing Republican regions.
I see no reason he would have set-up correct strike-against-the-aggressor tarrifs, this-time.
So, instead he increases Trump’s likelihood of getting more-violent against Canada??
Immaturity cannot be permitted to rule our countries, XOR we are accommodating our rulers to railroad our viability, itself.
( this also indicates that we require a culture of enforcing-all-our-growing-up, instead of the petty MSM culture we’ve allowed to mesmerize all our world, & we need it now. )
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He already hates Trudeau and is taking it out on Canada. There’s not a whole lot more he’s going to be able to do without pissing off all his non-russian masters.
Nah Trump hates Canada and Trudeau. He really does want to annex it, the only question is peacefully or not.
The answer is “Not”.
Cowering from bullies doesn’t make them ignore you. It just reinforces that you’re an easy target. You stand ground, and be ready to pop em in the face if they come for you.
You might even get the worst of it, but from then on they know they can’t come for you without having to pay for it.
Lol it’s not cowering. It’s letting Trump get distracted by something else. Lots of people here are 14 and very badass. A literal war is not out of the question and Canada would lose. “What are you going to do, stab me?” - Man that was stabbed. Trudeau would be better to just let Trump get distracted by the next thing.
The fact that a war isn’t out of the question is exactly why we puff ourselves up and look as intimidating as we possibly can. Trump is not simply going to ignore a free meal of all our national resources, but he might give it a pass if he realises we’ll bite back.
Yeah you do that politically and militarily. Not with taunting and snarky hockey comments.
Yeah you do that politically
If the PM saying publically “You can’t take our country” isn’t an example of doing just that, I don’t know what would be.
He’s not going to get distracted from colonial geopolitics. He’s been primed for it for a while which is why he popped the rhetoric first thing. There are other forces in his tyrant cabal who want it too, or at least want the regional destabilization of North America.
We can’t ostrich this one away. Show resolve.
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JFC you don’t taunt
a manan idiot who’s holding a fucking knife. You don’t ostrich, but you don’t taunt. Y’all need to learn to not get fucking stabbed.
He has so much hate-filled energy, I think he needs all the pushback the world and his own constituents can give him. Keep him busy.
Push back politically, not with stupid taunting smack talk. “What are you going to do, stab me?” - man that was stabbed. Let him get distracted with the next thing in the world.
If he really wanted to show trump he’d have allied with Mexico to prioritize both their sea trade routes and making a coordinated attempt to close land trade thru America…
Instead he tried to appease fascists, which never fucking works.
As Snotty Nose Rez Kids love to say:
Fuck Justin Trudeau
You want him to upend massive logistics chains for… no real reason. Just so you can say fuck Trudeau.
Independence from fascist demands is possibly the best reason to temporarily hurt your economy. It’s chopping off a gangrenous finger to save your arm.
I get what you’re saying, but exports to the US are close to 20% of Canada’s GDP, so it’d be more like chopping off an arm or two.
… It’s not like there’s transit fees. We’ll see if Trump thinks of that, but it’s also something that can generally be dealt with at the time.
That’s not the kind of thing you can do instantly, and it’s definitely not the kind of thing you do while publicly shouting about it.
My bad, I forgot “moderates” the world over pretend there’s no way to plan ahead and when something happens there’s no time to react properly…
It’s all bullshit, I just forgot a moderate will show up to repeat the same lie.
At least it takes longer on lemmy than other social media.
You have absolutely no clue how any part of our economy works, do you? Even if we could change the rules with a snap of our fingers, it still wouldn’t happen instantly since the actual physical capacity does not yet exist.
it still wouldn’t happen instantly
And if you look up you may be able to catch a glimpse of “the point” waaaaaaaaay up there as it passes over your head.
But your gonna have to ask someone else to point it out next time buddy
Just totally shut down land trade through the center of the continent? Wars have been fought over less lol
and making a coordinated attempt to close land trade thru America…
What kind of logic are people using where that sounds like a snap decision with immediate results?
I genuinely am curious because apparently multiple people are coming to the same wrong conclusion.
Like if a 12 year old says they want to become a doctor, are you back the next day asking what the hold up is?
Is planning ahead just that foreign of a concept these days?
Yes, planning-ahead IS that-foreign a concept these days, actually…
Millei’s eradication of federally-coordinated education, as a means of somehow “improving” the Argentinian economy, also.
Ideology “doesn’t need” to think: it “just inherently knows”, see?
maybe you’ve been living on some other planet for the last decade-or-so?
: p
Narcissism’s dictatorships never care about reality, because their ideologies/prejudices/“religions” somehow “outrank” actual-reality, youk know?
Exactly the same as how “believers” hold that G-D obeys their belief, instead-of holding-believers-to-some-Universal-standard…
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That is immature, & counter-productive:
Trump’s playing a negative-sum-game, committed to crushing & destroying the world, so-long-as he gets to be “king” ruling it’s destruction, glorying in his “status” & "wealth,
… & amplifying his ideologically-motivated violence against Canada, for stupid childish “status”, is something any woman who survived years of domestic-violence/abuse could have told him, isn’t either wise or intelligent.
Canada NEEDS to replace political-parties with something intelligent, honest, and responsible!
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Disagree entirely. Trump has been absolutely insulting and denigrating our country, calling it the 51st state with Trudeau as its governor. We needed our Prime Minister needed to clap back if only for unity and national pride.
“Let’s just not have political parties anymore, that’ll solve everything!” - Mature person on the internet
Canada NEEDS to replace political-parties with something intelligent, honest, and responsible!
Vague positive adjectives are not a plan.
Patriotism at work. Trump does all he can to insult Canada, and if people who govern Canada would allow it, they’d be seen as weak leaders. What they need is to work towards cutting any dependency on USA while defending their country worth.
Also, Trump rules only thanks to his show. Getting bitchslapped like that does hurt him. ^^
Canada NEEDS to replace political-parties with something intelligent, honest, and responsible!
you missed the “/s”
Ok but they barely won. Like calm your titties that goalkeeper saved like 10 goals in insane ways
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Rofl that is amazing. Especially with the other looking right at the camera.
While this isn’t technically US internal news, it’s North American news which goes against the spirit of this sub.
Why? Because you think that in spirit Canada and the US are the same thing?
You’re on thin ice right now …
North America is part of the world
USA is also “part of the world”. Despite this, US internal news are disallowed according to the rules of the subreddit. The rules of a community is not defined by its name, it’s defined by the explicit rules.
If you seriously want to keep arguing this. Only us internal news is explicitly disallowed. This is not internal news, it is between two countries and is not against the spirit of this community. There is very little news that affects the entire world, if it was limited to that, this community would be very empty.
Didn’t say it was against the rules. Did you read my post at all?
I did, you are saying it is against the spirit of the community, I am saying it is not. It’s also clear that us internal news is not world news, hence why it is not allowed.
Canada is so tightly tied to US that it’s practically the same to anyone who isn’t from north America. I understand that it can be hard to accept for a yankee like you. People who want to follow world news that isn’t focused on US internal news isn’t going to care for NA internal news where the majority of the focus is put on US.
Rich of you to assume I’m a yank. I’m not. I’m Canadian. That’s why I’m saying this is not against the spirit of the community. Canada and the us are not practically the same. Even to people outside North America. Would you say Mexico and the US are practically the same? Probably not.
It would only be internal US news if Trump actually annexed Canada.